臺大選課系統 Course Selection System
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開放式課程 Open Course Ware
外文系選課注意事項 DFLL Notes on Course Selection
必修科目表 List of Required Courses
During their four years of study in this program, students must obtain 128 credits in total to meet the degree’s graduation requirement. The credits include 24 credits of courses required by the university and general education courses, as well as the department’s 77 required and 27 elective credits. Among departmental required courses, the proportion of language/linguistic courses to literary courses is 1:1.5. Students are allowed to take 15 to 25 credits each semester during freshman to junior year, and senior students are allowed to take 9 to 25 credits each semester.
1.Required Courses
The department’s required courses are divided into the categories of literature and language training. For the design of literature courses, on the one hand, the department provides students with a comprehensive overview of the historical development of literature in “Introduction to Western Literature,” then proceeds to introduce students to British, American, and European literature. On the other hand, the department helps students explore methods for studying different genres of literary works in “Approaches to Literature,” as well as in advanced fiction and drama courses. Through these courses’ guidance on literary readings, students will be introduced to the development of western culture, philosophy, and ethos.
Aside from taking introductory courses, courses on literary periods, and courses on selected readings of drama and fiction, students must obtain 9 extra credits from the Seminars on Literature and Cultural Studies to meet the required literature credits. In recent years, available courses in the last category have included “Literary Theory,” “Arthurian Literature,” “Film Art and Ideology,” “Introduction to Popular Culture,” “Twentieth-Century Irish Theatre,” “Contemporary English Plays,” “Literature, Animals, and Society,” “Storytelling in French,” “Islamic History and Culture,” “French Cultural Studies,” “German Cultural Studies,” “Spanish Contemporary Culture,” and “The Introduction of Chinese Literature History,” etc.
The department’s language training courses, including “English Oral Training,” “English Composition,” “Translation,” and “Comprehensive English Listening and Reading,” etc., are conducted in intensive and small class settings. This helps students train their skills in English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and Chinese-English translation.
The department also offers second foreign language courses in French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Latin, and Ancient Greek. Each student must take courses in one of these second foreign languages for at least two years and obtain 12 credits. Students are also allowed to take Japanese courses offered by our university’s Japanese department or other foreign language courses for two years, to fulfill the department’s credit requirement in this section.
2.Elective Courses
In recent years, the department has offered elective courses such as “Introduction to Phonetics,” “Interpreting Theory and Techniques,” “Journalistic Writing,” “Business English,” “Introduction to Language Testing,” “Presenting in English: Techniques and Practices,” and “French Pronunciation and Aural Training.” Students are also allowed to take elective courses offered by other faculties or departments.
To maintain the overall teaching quality and improve course contents, the department has formed a curriculum committee and committees of various subjects. Each committee meet on a regular basis to discuss teaching plans and share teaching experiences, facilitating interactions among the instructors and exchanges of teaching methods.
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note |
Approaches to Literature (I)(II) | 3、3 | Freshman |
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note | |
Introduction to Western Literature (I) | 3 | Freshman | Students are required to take 3 out of the 4 “Introduction to Western Literature”/ “European Literature courses,” with a total of 9 credits obtained. | |
Introduction to Western Literature (II) | 3 | Freshman | Students are required to take 3 out of the 4 “Introduction to Western Literature”/ “European Literature” courses, with a total of 9 credits obtained. | |
European Literature 1350-1800 | 3 | Sophomore | Students are required to take 3 out of the 4 “Introduction to Western Literature”/ “European Literature” courses, with a total of 9 credits obtained. | |
European Literature Since 1800 | 3 | Sophomore | Students are required to take 3 out of the 4 “Introduction to Western Literature”/ “European Literature” courses, with a total of 9 credits obtained. | |
Medieval English Literature | Students are required to take at least one of these three courses. | 3 | Sophomore | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/ American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. |
Sixteenth-century English Literature | 3 | Sophomore | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/ American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. | |
Seventeenth-century and Eighteenth-century English Literature | 3 | Sophomore | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. | |
English Romanticism | Students are required to take at least one of these three courses. | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. |
Victorian Literature | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. | |
Twentieth-century English Literature | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. | |
Early American Literature | Students are required to take at least one of these three courses. | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. |
Nineteenth-century American Literature | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. | |
Twentieth-century American Literature | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 5 out of the 9 English Literature/American Literature courses, with a total of 15 credits obtained. |
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note |
Drama (I) | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Drama (II) | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Shakespeare Drama | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Twentieth-century Irish Drama | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Modern European Drama | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Contemporary British and American Drama | 3 | Junior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 6 drama courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note |
Fiction (I) | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Fiction (II) | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Introduction to Utopian Fiction | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
English Fiction | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Selected Readings of James Joyce’s Fiction | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Irish Novels | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Fiction: Postcolonial Africa | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Fiction: Postcolonial Asia | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
British Women Writers and the Novels | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Selected Readings in 20th Century American Short Stories | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Coming-of-Age Novels | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Seminar on Science Fiction and Film | 3 | Senior | Students are required to take 1 out of the 12 fiction courses, with a total of 3 credits obtained. |
Students are required to obtain 9 credits in this section during their studies in the department. Please click here for listing of the courses.
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note |
Introduction to Linguistics (I)(II) | 3、3 | Sophomore |
Course | Credits | Year of Study | Note |
English Oral Training I (1) (2) | 2、2 | Freshman | Since the courses are instructed in small classes, students are required to participate in sequence and are not allowed to skip any sessions. |
English Oral Training II (1) (2) | 2、2 | Sophomore | Since the courses are instructed in small classes, students are required to participate in sequence and are not allowed to skip any sessions. |
English Composition I (1)(2) | 2、2 | Freshman | Since the courses are instructed in small classes, students are required to participate in sequence and are not allowed to skip any sessions. |
English Composition II (1)(2) | 2、2 | Sophomore | Since the courses are instructed in small classes, students are required to participate in sequence and are not allowed to skip any sessions. |
English Composition III (1)(2) | 2、2 | Junior | Students are required to choose either “English Composition III” or “Translation (1)(2)” to meet the required 4 credits. |
Translation (1)(2) | 2、2 | Junior | Students are required to choose either “English Composition III” or “Translation (1)(2)” to meet the required 4 credits. |
For information on course selection methods and the list of departments that are included in the inter-school course selection agreements between NTU and other institutions, please visit the NTU Online Course Information Network.
(Fast Search > Others > Courses offered by other universities)
Article 8 of the University’s Inter-School Course Selection Implementation Regulations states: “Except in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, students are not allowed to apply for inter-school course selection from other schools, and departments are not allowed to accept students from other schools to apply for inter-school course selection to our school.”
Please refer to the NTU Curriculum Mapping website.
DFLL students (including minors and double majors) who have completed the 24 credits stipulated in the Linguistics and Language Teaching Course Portfolio are eligible to obtain a certificate of study.
The Linguistics and Language Teaching Course Portfolio includes: