3/27 (Mon) 4:00-5:30 國立台灣大學文學院會議室
Literary Kinetics: Some Motions of Prose
Rooted in allusions to “magic lantern slides” as a model for the pulse of a reader’s narrative imagination from Victorian writer George Eliot through Henry James to Marcel Proust, this talk will concentrate on syntax-as-audiovisual-action in such precinematic writers as Dickens and Melville, as well as those actively influenced by cinema from D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf down through Thomas Pynchon and Salman Rushdie. My own slide excerpts, beginning with images of Proust’s famous lantern fascination, will cite for close analysis passages that indicate the prose equivalent of camera pans, fades, zooms, and black-outs in the motion track of narrative grammar and sound play.