第四十九卷 第二期 總469 中華民國109年6月
Vol. 49 No. 2 June 2020

《中外文學》六月號推出「盤點2000年後台灣青壯世代小說」專輯,收錄了三篇精彩的專輯論文,以及一篇專輯座談會側記。此外,本期也收錄了兩篇一般論文。專輯論文部分,劉亮雅以吳明益的歷史小說《單車失竊記》為例,透過失落與追尋的主題重構台灣歷史;楊凱麟以童偉格小說作為分析對象,認為其具有當代文學之後設特質,有著對於「他人之死」的哀悼與思考,敘述時間顯得破碎而多歧;詹閔旭則以黃崇凱的《文藝春秋》為著眼點,探究台灣千禧世代作家歷史書寫的特質與關懷。另外,在劉亮雅主持的專輯座談會中,由陳雪、胡淑雯、黃麗群、黃崇凱等四位青壯作家針對二十一世紀台灣文學寫作之相關議題進行精彩對話。一般論文部分,張小虹試圖對張愛玲的英文遺囑進行細讀,期能啟動法律文件與文學書寫之間的差異化思考過程;李家沂則探討克莉絲提娃(Julia Kristeva)種動文本(genotext)理論之核心概念,嘗試以此解讀美國科幻恐怖作家勒夫克萊夫特(H. P. Lovecraft)小說中的相關問題,進而凸顯種動文本之侷限與不足。
盤點 2000 年後台灣青壯世代小說
Special Issue on Reading Contemporary Taiwanese Fiction, 2001-2020
劉亮雅(專輯主編)╱專輯導言: 2001-2020年台灣青壯世代小說初探
Liang-ya Liou, Guest Editor╱Introduction: A Preliminary Study of Contemporary Taiwanese Fiction, 2001-2020
劉亮雅╱失落與追尋 : 吳明益《單車失竊記》中的歷史拼圖
失落與追尋 : 吳明益《單車失竊記》中的歷史拼圖
★ 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系特聘教授。
Liang-ya Liou╱Loss and Retrieval : Historical Re-membering in Wu Ming-yi’s The Stolen Bicycle
Loss and Retrieval
Historical Re-membering in Wu Ming-yi’s The Stolen Bicycle
Liang-ya Liou*
This article argues that as a historical novel Wu Ming-yi’s The Stolen Bicycle deals with historical re-membering through unraveling loss and retrieval. The disappearance of the narrator’s father signifies the loss of Taiwanese history. The narrator seeks to find his father and retrieve his life story, in the process of which he becomes an amateurish cultural worker, familiarizing himself with the stories of several characters, objects, and animals. Unlike fictions about Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen in the 1970s and 1980s, this novel focuses on both the servicemen and their sons born after World War II, seeking to retrieve war memories, postwar memories about the “Lost Generation” and their offspring, as well as memories about the Japanese legacy of modernity. Moreover, it delves into family and ethnic reconciliations, the healing of war and postwar trauma, critical reflections on modernity and concerns for animals. The first section of the article deals with the meanings of loss and retrieval; the second section explores re-memory, ethnic reconciliation, and generational heritage; the third section discusses how the novel reflects on modernity and reconstructs postwar memories; the fourth section examines facticity and textuality; the fifth section is the conclusion.
◎Keywords: Wu Ming-yi, The Stolen Bicycle, historical re-membering, Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen, ethnic reconciliation
★Distinguished Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
Kailin Yang╱Rule of the World : Tong Wei-Ger as a Method
Rule of the World
Tong Wei-Ger as a Method
Kailin Yang*
◎Keywords: Tong Wei-Ger, Maurice Blanchot, other, death, writing, time
★Professor, Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts.
詹閔旭╱媒介記憶 黃崇凱《文藝春秋》與台灣千禧世代作家的歷史書寫
自1980年代以來,台灣歷史書寫持續受到作家與研究者的重視,這 一波書寫浪潮緊密鑲嵌在台灣本土意識崛起的社會脈絡。然而,近幾年 台灣書市再度浮現不少刻劃台灣歷史的作品,而且多數由1980年代以後 出生的千禧世代作家寫成。這一群作家成長於本土化意識高漲、跨國資本主義與通訊媒介急遽發展的時代氛圍,因而他們的歷史書寫展現出與前一世代截然不同的美學表現和關懷。這一篇文章挑選黃崇凱《文藝春秋》 (2017)作為分析對象,深入探討台灣千禧世代作家歷史書寫的特質 與關切。本文認為,媒介(media)在黃崇凱小說扮演舉足輕重的角色。 為此,本文挪用媒介記憶研究(media memory study)的相關討論,揭開 《文藝春秋》所呈現的歷史、記憶與媒介的辯證關係。
Min-xu Zhan╱Mediated Memories : Huang Chong-kai’s The Contents of the Times and the Historical Writings by Taiwanese Millennial Writers
Mediated Memories
Huang Chong-kai’s The Contents of the Times and the Historical Writings by Taiwanese Millennial Writers
Min-xu Zhan*
Since the early 1980s, the boom in historical writing embedded within the expanding Taiwanese nativist consciousness has been highly valued by both Taiwanese writers and humanities researchers. However, a new wave of historical writing by those of the Millennial generation, born after the 1980s, has gained greater attention in recent years and deserves closer examination. This group of writers matured in the age of radical Taiwanese nativist consciousness, transnational capitalism, and the rapid development of communication media. It is in this sense that their writings have completely different artistic styles and thematic concerns than that of the preceding generations. This article uses Huang Chong-kai’s The Contents of the Times (2017) as its object of analysis to illustrate the characteristics and concerns of historical writing by Taiwanese Millennial writers. It contends that the media plays a pivotal role in Huang Chong-kai’s literary works and applies the theoretical framework of media memory study to reveal the dialectical relationship among history, memory and media found in The Contents of the Times.
◎Keywords: liberalism, ethology, moral agent, moral patient, governance
★Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University.
Special Issue Forum
On Twenty-first-century Taiwanese Fiction: A Writers’ Forum
Speakers: Chen Xue, Hu Shu-wen, Huang Li-Chun, and Huang Chong-kai
Moderator: Liang-ya Liou
General Topics
張小虹╱張愛玲的遺囑 :無專屬與文本迻譯
本論文嘗試展開對張愛玲英文遺囑的細讀,以期啟動法律文件與文學書寫之間的差異化思考過程。全文分成四個部份進行。第一部份凸顯「專屬邏輯」如何運作為遺囑的法律基礎以及其如何得以被鬆動,箇中關鍵便在於揭露法律「字義」規則之中陰魂不散的「文學」。第二部份聚焦 於遺囑內容第一項的遺產處理,展開possessions一詞可能帶來的各種迻 譯與疑義,以此凸顯法律所有權的可能和語言所有權的不可能。第三部 份聚焦於遺囑內容第二項的遺體處理,凸顯單字desolate與假設語句if on land所帶來的不確定性,如何引發「海葬」與「陸葬」的爭議。第四部份則 回到「遺囑即書寫」、「書寫即遺囑」的基進解構思考,凸顯「我的死亡」之可能與不可能,遺囑作為書寫文字的符號,如何得以脫離了立遺囑人的主觀意識與意圖,並得以在其身後展現「可重複的閱讀性」。
Hsiao-hung Chang╱The Last Will of Eileen Chang : Improper and Textual Multiplicity
The Last Will of Eileen Chang
Improper and Textual Multiplicity
Hsiao-hung Chang*
The paper tries to enact a close reading of Eileen Chang’s will written in English in an attempt to initiate a differentiation between legal document and literary writing. It is divided into four parts. Part I foregrounds how “the logic of the proper” functions as the legal foundation of the will and how the “literal” rule of the law is constantly haunted by the “literary.” Part II focuses on the treatment of property by mapping out the multiple translations and controversies brought by the word “possessions” to accentuate the possibility of legal ownership and the impossibility of linguistic ownership. Part III focuses on the treatment of remains, highlighting the uncertainty brought by the word “desolate” and the conditional mood of “if on land,” and how they could trigger the dispute over “burial at sea” versus “burial on land.” Part IV revisits a deconstructionist thinking in the form of “will as writing” and “writing as will,” by foregrounding the (im)possibility of “my death.” It discloses the “repeatable readability” of the will as linguistic signs of writing that can be separated from the consciousness and intention of the testator and can survive after the author’s demise.
◎Keywords: proper, property, phallogocentrism, writing, Derrida
★Distinguished Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
李家沂╱正論式智性恐怖 : 勒夫克萊夫特與種動文本
本篇論文嘗試從幾個要點,說明克莉絲提娃種動文本(genotext)這 個理論的核心概念,特別集中闡明正論式(the thetic)的表述結構,與現 象學意義生成程序的連動,以此帶出種動文本與顯定文本(phenotext) 的閾界、意義(Bedeutung)與表意(Sinn)的可分與不可分、動義(signifiance)與定義(signification)的相異相依、以及種動文本的否定性所 在。藉此將種動文本投入實驗,測試其解讀小說的有效性,看能否幫助回答美國科幻恐怖作家勒夫克萊夫特所呈現的語言問題,由此標定勒夫克萊夫特的種動文本,為透過科學正論以經營智性恐怖之敘事,以此回應威爾森的批評原點,並與克莉絲提娃的種動文本進行對辯,闡明種動文本的侷限與不足。
★ 國立交通大學外國語文學系副教授。
Chia Yi Lee╱On Intellectual Horror and the Thetic: Lovecraft and Genotext
On Intellectual Horror and the Thetic
Lovecraft and Genotext
Chia Yi Lee*
The task of this paper is two-fold. One is to expound Julia Kristeva’s concept of genotext by way of a few indispensable key points pertinent to an understanding of genotext’s conceptual significance. Among these points, “the thetic” will claim the center of gravity around which will revolve the threshold of genotext and phenotext, the (non-)distinction between Bedeutung and Sinn, the crossing between signification and signifiance, and the site of negativity. The second task is to read the genotext into the Lovecraftian problem of language to frame an argument that the Lovecraftian genotext, if any, is built upon a thetic narrative of scientific discourse to bring forth intellectual horror. The argument, when aptly deployed, will help answer the questions of what Edmund Wilson has left unresolved in his paradigmatic criticism of Lovecraft and what Kristeva has left untouched in her theoretical speculations of genotext.
◎Keywords: Lovecraft, Kristeva, genotext, the thetic, scientific discourse, sci-fi horror
★Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University.