第四十七卷 第ㄧ期 總460 中華民國107年3月
Vol.47 No.1 March 2018

《中外文學》三月號收錄了五篇精彩的學術論文:曾瑞華透過紀傑克(Slavoj Žižek)論諾斯底主義與資本主義的觀點閱讀迪克(Philip K. Dick)的架空歷史小說《高堡奇人》(The Man in the High Castle),指出儘管作者欲擺脫卑劣的物質世界,並臻於完美的靈知世界,但仍無法脫困於資本主義體制;黃士元以卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)的短篇故事〈一家之主的憂慮〉(“Die Sorge des Hausvaters”)為例,反思如何重新看待物的世界、人與物的存在及其所共處的環境,並藉由班雅明(Walter Benjamin)對卡夫卡的閱讀,探討物與人之間的關係,以及生命在反轉為物之後,能產生何種新的生命面向;吳慧娟解析顧玉玲兩部關於台灣東南亞移工敘事作品——《我們》與《回家》——中的殘障再現政治,認為其作不僅批判了資本主義社會對健全能力意識形態的固著,更從身體做為個人生命經驗和身分認同的物質基礎來重新詮釋全球化和亞洲現代性;關秀惠由《集中營回憶展》(Mémoire des camps)展出的四張照片引起之爭議為起點,探究攝影如何成為事件見證之物,及其內含的影像辯證性意義;陳敏華和崔峰則分析「組屋」此一新加坡特有的華文譯詞在新加坡公共住屋歷史發展過程之演變,及其在新加坡社會發展過程被賦予之特定社會屬性和意識形態。另外,《中外文學》自2018年起,由臺大外文系廖勇超副教授接任總編輯,除了繼續控管期刊學術品質,也期待能帶給讀者更多學術趣味。
Editorial Note
- 廖勇超╱編輯室報告
Yung-chao Liao╱Editorial Note
Laurie Jui-hua Tseng╱From Historical Objects Collection to Cultural and Creative Commodities Marketing: Exploring Dualism and the Capitalistic Logic in The Man in the High Castle
From Historical Objects Collection to Cultural and Creative Commodities Marketing
Exploring Dualism and the Capitalistic Logic in The Man in the High Castle
Laurie Jui-hua Tseng*
This article explores the dualism and capitalistic logic inherent in Philip K. Dick’s alternative history novel The Man in the High Castle by using Slavoj Žižek’s theory on Gnosticism and capitalistic logic. Through an analysis (based on Žižek’s critique on the dualism of Gnosticism) of the futile resistance to the industrialization of the historical objects in the novel, this article, by revealing the conceptual trap of dualism, explains why the author, in spite of his attempt to pursue the immaterial gnosis absent from the present world, still fails to disengage himself from the material world he thought he would be disengaged from. The article comprises of four sections. The first section uncovers the dualistic order and the Gnostic element of the novel. The second section explores Žižek’s view on Gnosticism and its affinity with the operation of capitalism. The third section examines capitalism as the fundamental structure which not only underlies the development of the novel, especially the part involving historical objects collection and exchange, but also dominates the development of our contemporary society where historical objects are driven to be commercialized. Finally, on the basis of Žižek’s theory of non-action the last section attempts to propose a way to confront the capitalization of historical objects better than Dick’s Gnostic approach.
◎Keywords: historical objects, cultural production, Gnosticism, capitalism, The Man in the High Castle, non-action
★Associate Professor, Department of English, National Taitung University.
最後,本文將藉由班雅明〈神學-政治片斷〉(“Theologisch-politisches Fragment”)中所談到世俗秩序下的彌賽亞,討論班雅明在卡夫卡作品裡所看到的救贖,是將生命或存在蛻變為書寫與閱讀的文本之物。也就是在不斷閱讀,詮釋與再書寫下,開始了延續與新生的可能性。
Shih-yen Huang╱ The World of the Human and the Thing: On Walter Benjamin’s Reading of Kafka’s “The Cares of a Family Man”
The World of the Human and the Thing
On Walter Benjamin’s Reading of Kafka’s “The Cares of a Family Man”
Shih-yen Huang*
◎Keywords: Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, sin, violence of law, distortion, oblivion, the Messiah
★Associate Professor, Department of German, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.
Grace Hui-chuan Wu╱Migration and Disability: Ku Yu-ling’s Our Stories and Return Home
Migration and Disability
Ku Yu-ling’s Our Stories and Return Home
Grace Hui-chuan Wu*
The essay explores the relation between migration, disability, and inter-Asian modernity in Ku Yu-ling’s Our Stories and Return Home. With an emphasis on the representation of people with work-related disabilities, including people who suffer from mental illness caused by inhumane working conditions, this essay looks at how Ku’s stories of disabled migrants unfold the underlying assumption of ableism embedded in the cultural practice of transnational labor migration. This essay examines how Ku’s books retell individual stories of migration that foreground the lived experience of bodily difference, both as racial markers and physical/mental impairment. This essay asks in what way disability studies and migrant narratives converge in Ku’s Our Stories and Return Home and how Ku’s texts manage the relation between socioeconomicmobility and disability, thematizing disability as a critique of global capitalism. Reading disability both as a real-life experience and as a metaphor, this essay argues that Our Stories and Return Home envision dependency as an alternative model of inter-Asian modernity, in which the impossibility of wholeness invites new forms of social relations. Furthermore, the essay also examines how Our Stories and Return Home, by foregrounding bodily materiality and vulnerability, challenge the notion of ableism and development grounded in Western modernity and articulate “cripple” as a shared history of modernization in Vietnam and Taiwan.
◎Keywords: dsability studies, southeast Asian migrant workers, inter-Asian modernity, dependency, disposability, Neoliberalism, globalization
★Assistant Professor, Department of English, National Central University.
關秀惠╱攝影成為見證之物? 從《集中營回憶展》四張照片的影像爭議談起
2001年《集中營回憶展》(Mémoire des camps)展出了由奧許維茲-伯肯諾納粹集中營博物館(Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum)館藏,由集中營內部偷拍而成的四張照片。當時法亞曼(Gérard Wajcman)等人批評這四張照片是個謊言,無法證明集中營曾經存在,但策展人之一的笛笛-余柏曼(Georges Didi-Huberman)在《影像儘管所有》(Images malgré tout)一書反駁法亞曼等人對其偏頗的解讀方式,並提及對方在影像認識論上的侷限。笛笛-余柏曼的書名「影像儘管所有」有兩層意思,第一層是儘管納粹禁止任何集中營的影像流出,這些集中營影像仍被偷藏攜帶出來,第二層的意思則是強調,儘管我們無能力去瞭解集中營影像顯露的事件,我們仍要持續地讓任何描述集中營事件的影像發生,意即他在書中意圖逆轉法亞曼所代表的對於集中營影像的「無法想像」(unimaginable)概念的限制。本文企圖從此四張照片引起的爭議開始,討論此爭議所涉及的影像生產以及因為影像認識論框架而來的「攝影」被當作事件見證之物的爭議。另,本文試圖經由笛笛-余柏曼所提到的,從各種文本檔案、影像、證言所提供的記憶與可讀性影像需求中,事件後影像的現身可作為批判觀點(critical point)的角度出發,進一步討論攝影如何成為事件見證之物,以及其所內含的影像辯證性(dialectical)意義為何。
Hsiu-Hui Kuan╱The Photograph as Witness: The Debate on the Photo-Historical Exhibition Mémoire des camps
The Photograph as Witness
The Debate on the Photo-Historical Exhibition Mémoire des camps
Hsiu-Hui Kuan*
◎Keywords: Mémoire des camps, unimaginable, photography, archival-image, lacunaimage, dialectical image
★Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University.
Minhua Chen and Feng Cui╱An Analysis of the Evolving Functionalism and Social Qualities of Zu Wu in Translation
An Analysis of the Evolving Functionalism and Social Qualities of Zu Wu in Translation
Minhua Chen* and Feng Cui**
Zu Wu, the public housing in Singapore managed by the Housing and Development Board (HDB), is a unique representative of Chinese vocabulary within Singapore’s social context. Although it has close ties with members of the society, there is limited level of sensitivity and understanding of this term. The term “Zu Wu” has played an important role in Singapore’s Public Housing History. The evolving social functions of “Zu Wu” reflect specific social phenomena and values during different developmental stages of the national building and the Public Housing policy-making process in Singapore’s society, and this paper argues that this term is also a form of rewriting produced by Singapore’s ideological and political constraints within its social context.
◎Keywords: zu wu, rewriting, social attributes, Skopos Theory, Functional Theory
★ Lecturer, Chung Cheng High School, Singapore. ★★Lecturer, Chinese Programme, Nanyang Technological University.