第四十四卷 第ㄧ期 總448 中華民國104年3月
Vol.44 No.1 March 2015

Inaugural Editorial
- 蕭立君╱編輯室(新任)報告 :預約《中外》的集體想像
Li-Chun Hsiao╱Inaugural Editorial: Envisioning Your Chung Wai
Special Issue: The Sinophone and Hanwen
- 梅家玲、陳培豐(專輯主編)╱華語與漢文專輯:編者弁言
Chia-ling Mei and Pei-feng Chen, Guest Editors╱Introduction
Min-xu Zhan and Kuo-ming Hsu╱When Multiple Sinophone Literatures Meet: Entanglements between Taiwan and the Sinophone World
When Multiple Sinophone Literatures Meet
Entanglements between Taiwan and the Sinophone World
Min-xu Zhan* and Kuo-ming Hsu**
In recent years, Sinophone studies has drawn increasing attention among scholars all over the world. Taiwan’s scholars are concerned most of all with the theoretical breakthroughs made by such a U.S.-based theory that may have an impact on Taiwan’s academic studies. Why do Taiwan scholars need to engage “Sinophone” as a theoretical concept? This paper seeks to point out that the notion of Sinophone may help to enhance our understanding of the cross-cultural encounters between Taiwan and the Sinophone world. It conducts an in-depth analysis of the complex issues raised by the encounters of multiple Sinophone literatures in the Taiwanese cultural field of production. Via the case studies of Taiwan indigenous literature and Sinophone Malaysian literature in the field of Taiwan literary award, this paper calls attention to the difference between the translational practices adopted by the two Sinophone literatures to gain recognition in the Sinophone world. The idea of “complicated entanglement” as defined by Ien Ang may serve as a more useful theoretical concept than the notion of “ethnic identity” for understanding the relationship among various Sinophone literatures within the Sinophone network and help shed light on some critical issues of cross-cultural encounters.
◎Keywords: cross-cultural encounter, literary award, recognition, relation, place, hybridity
★Ph.D., Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University. ★★Ph.D. Student, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Hsing University.
Shun-Jie Syu╱Common-Language Plagiarism: New Chinese Literature and Yang Hua’s Poetry
Common-Language Plagiarism
New Chinese Literature and Yang Hua’s Poetry
Shun-Jie Syu*
At the time when New Chinese Literature Movement gave birth to vernacular poetry, Taiwanese poets had little choice but to learn how to write vernacular poems from the works of Chinese vernacular poets when trying their hand at this genre. Yang Hua was one of the most prominent new Taiwanese poets during the period of Japanese colonial rule. Successive academics have indicated that Yang’s poems bear similarities to those of Guo Moruo, Bingxin, and Liang Zongdai, etc. The present study probes more deeply into the comparison between Yang’s poems and those of New Chinese Literature publications. The finding is that Yang plagiarized a large amount of the poetic works from Creation Quarterly, The Short Story Magazine and the like, a proof that New Taiwanese Literature poetry during Japanese colonial reign was significantly influenced by the Creation Society and the Society of Literary Research. Yang’s synthesis of texts in the common language, including rewriting, parodying and plagiarizing, was often seen in the magazines and newspapers in the Colonial Period. Research revealed that governor general of Taiwan did not enforce the copyright law proclaimed by Japan due to some political concerns; consequenetly, the modern publishing industry in Taiwan developed rapidly while no copyright law was in force. Under such circumstances, Yang freely experimented with mixed texts in poems through plagiarism from the common language poetry. Based on the facts, the resources, the types of works and the follow-up effects of Yang’s plagiarism, the present study presents textual evidence and then analyzes and re-elaborates the aesthetic standards, poetry forms, creation mentality and cultural identification of Yang, and goes on to examine his works in light of his habitual style of plagiarism. The study finds, in sum, that this Taiwanese poet in the Japanese colonial period moved from plagiarism toward innovation, attempted to integrate equally matched factions of Chinese vernacular and Taiwanese vernacular, and finally composed Chinese vernacular poems possessing Taiwanese characteristics.
◎Keywords: the Short Story Magazine, the Creation Society, New Taiwanese Literature, New Chinese Literature, New Poetry
★Doctoral Candidate, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University.
Yi-wen Chuang╱An Inquiry into Taiwan Classical Literature During Japanese Colonial Period Based on the Concepts of Colonial Hanwen and Sinophone Literature (1895-1945)
An Inquiry into Taiwan Classical Literature During Japanese Colonial Period Based on the Concepts of Colonial Hanwen and Sinophone Literature (1895-1945)
Yi-wen Chuang*
This is an inquiry into Taiwan classical literature during the Japanese colonial period based on the concepts of Pei-feng Chen’s Colonial Hanwen and Shu-mei Shih’s Sinophone Literature. The inquiry concentrates on the subjectivity and the complexity of this classical literature. Firstly, regarding the concept of Colonial Hanwen, I discuss the development from Imperial Hanwen to Colonial Hanwen and the issues from the Hanwen Tung-Wen Phenomenon to the Great East-Asian Regionalism. Secondly, as to the concept of Sinophone Literature, I explore the relation between Sinophone Literature and Taiwan classical literature based on the discourse from Chineseness, Sinophone Literature to Taiwaneseness. The question this paper attempts to examine is whether the Japanese sinology in Tawan can be discussed under the above concepts. The inquiry into this question implies a sort of anxiety about China no matter how we address it. The present inquiry highlights Yu-lin Lee’s innovative approach, Taiwan as a Method, which derives from the theories of Takeuchi Yoshimi (竹內好) and Mizoguchi Yuzo (溝口雄三): Lee’s Taiwan as a Method approach makes it possible to generate a theory for Taiwan demonstrating its subjectivity and irreplaceable historical development, and this will definitely open new arenas for the interpretation of Taiwan classical literature.
◎Keywords: Colonial Hanwen, Sinophone Literature, Taiwan Classical Literature, Peifeng Chen, Shu-mei Shih
★Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University.
Critical Perspectives: Extended Discussions on Special Issue Articles
- 王德威╱華語語系,台灣觀點
David Der-wei Wang╱Sinophone Studies and Taiwan Perspectives - 史書美╱華語語系研究對台灣文學的可能意義:為《中外文學》「華語與漢文專輯」所寫
Shu-mei Shih╱Implications of Sinophone Studies for Taiwan Literature: A Response Essay - 陳培豐╱類似、差異和混雜:重新思考臺灣的漢文和近代文學
Pei-feng Chen╱Similarity, Difference and Hybridity: Rethinking Kambun and Modern Literature in Taiwan
Reviews of Books on Related Topics
- 蔡建鑫╱點評石靜遠《華人(文)離散中的聲音與文字》
Chien-hsin Tsai╱A Review of Sound and Script in Chinese Diaspora by Jing Tsu - 富田哲╱開放包容的「詮釋共同體」:評陳培豐《想像和界限:臺灣語言文體的混生》
Akira Tomita╱An Open and Tolerant “Community of Interpretation”: A Review of Pei-feng Chen’s Imagination and Boundary: Creolization of Literary Forms in Taiwan
- 許維賢(訪問和修訂);楊明慧(訪問錄音整理)╱華語語系研究不只是對中國中心主義的批判:史書美訪談錄
Wai Siam Hee, Interviewer; Min Hui Yeo, Transcriber╱Sinophone Studies Is Irreducible to a Critique of China-centrism: An Interview with Shu-mei Shih