NEW! 新增線上會議!
◼️講題 (Title):Philosophy after Automation
📌報名連結 (Sign-up link):
◼️主講人 (Speaker):許煜 Yuk HUI(Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Human Conditions, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
◼️主持人 (Moderator):廖咸浩 Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao(臺大人文社會高等研究院院長、國立臺灣大學外國語文學系特聘教授 / Dean at IHS, NTU; Distinguished Professor at Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU)
◼️日期 (Date):2023.10.26 (Thu) 15:00 – 17:00
◼️地點 (Venue):文學院演講廳 (Lecture Hall of the College of Liberal Arts)
📣本場演講實體與線上同步進行。 (This speech will be conducted both on-site and online.)
📣Q&A環節提問權將優先提供給現場觀眾。(Q&A interaction will be preserved for on-site audience first.)