西班牙文及文化領域專長活動簡報(2022 年 12 月 3 日)

參觀 17 世紀的考古遺址 西班牙諸聖教堂(基隆和平島)

西班牙古典文化二及西班牙傳統文化的20名學生乘坐租用巴士前往基隆參觀這些考古遺址。他們上午 9:30 從台灣大學出發,並於傍晚 5:00 返回。他們還參觀了其他法國和日本的歷史遺址,但最重要的是參觀了 17 世紀的西班牙諸聖教堂,因為授課教授籌辦了此遺址的首次考古活動(2011 年和 2012 年),且該教堂依循埃雷利亞(Herrerian)建築風格,與其中一門課程的主題埃斯科里亞爾修道院(El Escorial)相關。這次訪問非常成功,因為事前設定的目標皆有完成。預算約為新台幣 15,000 元,包括餐費和參訪手冊。

Visit to the excavations of the 17th century Spanish church of Todos los Santos

(Heping Island in Keelung)

20 students of the Spanish Classical Culture II course, and from Spanish Traditional Culture course went to Keelung to visit these excavations in a rented bus. They leaved from NTU at 9:30 am and they were back a 5:00pm. They also visited other French and Japanese historical places, but the most important was the visit to the 17th century church of Todos los Santos, because the professor of these courses was organizing the first excavations (2011 and 2012) and because that church follows the Herrerian style, a topic related to one of the lessons in the class about the El Escorial. The visit was very successful, because accomplished of the goals set up in advance. The budget was around 15,000NT$, including meals and brochures.


By Prof. Borao (鮑曉鷗), NTU, 14 December 2022