NTU DFLL Faculty Colloquium
Title: Asian Immigrants in the Anthropocene: Smell, Pandemics, and Trans-species Entanglements in Salt Fish Girl
Speaker: Prof. Shu-ching Chen 陳淑卿教授 (National Chung Hsing University)
Moderator: Prof. Lilith Acadia王莉思助理教授 (National Taiwan University)
Time: 15:30~17:00, Monday, April 22, 2024
Venue: 1F DFLL Conference Room, Gallery of University History, NTU (臺大校史館1樓外文系會議室)
Shu-ching Chen is Lifetime Distinguished Professor at the Department of Foreign
Languages and Literatures at National Chung Hsing University, where she had been
the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and the director of the Research Center of the
Humanities and Social Science. Her research interests include Asian American
literature, Postcolonial literature, and Trans-Pacific Writings. Her essays have been
published in Concentric, Review of English and American Literature, EurAmerica,
Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly, Tamkang Review, and the like. Her publication
includes a book on Asian American Literature and globalization: Asian American
Literature in an Age of Asian Transnationalism (Bookman 2005). In recent years, her
research interests have turned to the intersection between Environmental Humanities
and Ethnic Literature. She is the editor of the Chinese collection Asian American
Environmental Humanities: Agriculture, Species, and Global Environmental Change
(Forthcoming in 2024). She is currently working on a monograph entitled Others and
the Anthropocene: Minority Literature in A Planetary Age.