第四十九卷 第一期 總468 中華民國109年3月
Vol. 49 No. 1 March 2020

《中外文學》三月號推出「人類世專輯——重新思考生態:誰的人類,什麼的人類世?」,收錄了三篇精彩的專輯論文,以及兩篇專輯書評。此外,本期也收錄了兩篇一般論文,以及一篇思想轉譯。專輯論文部分,張君玫以「抵抗的立足點」、「測量的政治」和「生命的肯定」三個面向出發,探討六位當代女性主義思想家的生態想像,進而繪製出人類世中女性主義思考與實踐的地圖;蔡晏霖的《金寶螺胡撇仔》以多物種影像實驗自然史的方式,呈現宜蘭友善耕作水稻田裡的多物種連結與共生景象,並嘗試彰顯多物種民族誌的理論關懷;吳宗憲檢視當代自由主義政治制度,探究在當代「人類世」中,動物能否得到應有的權利,進一步思索動物的主體性和能動力等問題。專輯書評部分,李宜澤對庫依珊克(Julie Cruikshank)的《冰川是否聆聽:在地知識,殖民遭逢以及社會想像》(Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination),以及哈斯靈頓(Kregg Hetherington)主編的《人類世下的基礎建設、環境與生命》(Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene)做出精彩評析;作為譯者之一,陳榮泰則深入評介了拉圖(Bruno Latour)的《面對蓋婭》(Facing Gaia)。一般論文部分,蔡玫姿以在臺馬來西亞華裔女作家馬尼尼為的圖文創作為研究個案,主張其創作源於賤斥母職及賤斥新家園,分析其作《帶著你的雜質發亮》(2013)至「隱晦家庭系列」繪本(2016)與《沒有大路》(2018)如何形成異端母職論述;黃士元以德語作家克萊斯特(Heinrich von Kleist)的短文〈關於傀儡戲〉(“Uber das Marionettentheater”)為例,探討作家如何思考另一種不以人為中心的生命之可能性,並重新看待不在人的意識與企圖的主導下,生命有何新的定義。思想轉譯部分,李家沂則逐條翻譯巴迪烏(Alain Badiou)的「人民」用字二十四條注,反思現今世界之民族或國家主義的本位狂熱。
Special Issue on Anthropocene
Chun-Mei Chuang, Guest Editor╱Introduction: A Politics of Multiplicity in the Anthropocene
Chun-Mei Chuang╱Feminism in the Anthropocene: Standpoints, Places and Practices
Feminism in the Anthropocene
Standpoints, Places and Practices
Chun-Mei Chuang*
This paper discusses six contemporary feminist thinkers’ ecological imagination through three interconnected perspectives: the standpoint of resistance, the politics of measurement, and the affirmation of life. I thereby draw up a dynamic map of theory and practice in which Vandana Shiva’s “nature’s creativity,” Val Plumwood’s “new mode of humanity,” Donna Haraway’s “making oddkin,” Karen Barad’s “queer performative agency,” Rosi Braidotti’s “pan-human becoming,” and Jane Bennett’s “anthropomorphic vibrant matter” all respectively highlight their specific politics of location as well as their particular bodily, local, and historical standpoints. Continuing to deconstruct the hierarchical dualism of culture and nature, feminism in the Anthropocene has called our attention to the uneven distribution of agency and the urgency of clarifying the orientations and responsibilities of human agents in the multispecies and transversal posthuman becoming in which we’ve always already participated.
◎Keywords: Anthropocene, ecological turn, posthuman, agency, feminist politics of location
★Professor, Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei.
蔡晏霖╱金寶螺胡撇仔 :一個多物種實驗影像民族誌
Yen-Ling Tsai╱Golden Snail O-pe-la: A Multispecies Experimental Ethnography
Golden Snail O-pe-la
A Multispecies Experimental Ethnography
Yen-Ling Tsai*
◎Keywords: multispecies ethnography, experimental natural history, experimental visual ethnography, organic rice farming, Pamocea canaliculata
★Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University.
Chuang-hsien Wu╱To Construct an Animal Governing Mechanism in the “Anthropocene”
To Construct an Animal Governing Mechanism in the “Anthropocene”
Chuang-hsien Wu*
Liberalism, an all too human construct, is founded with the principle to incorporate the underprivileged into its political/philosophical framework on the basis of liberty and equal rights. However, as we entered the Anthropocene, whether animals have the rights to benefit from this political system is crucial for us to resolve the predicaments of this era.
With the above ideas in mind, this paper first discusses the new framework of liberalism proposed by academics to include animals. Animals need to be considered as subjective agencies instead of mere moral objects under human protection. The questions of boundaries, rationality, and representation of animals are also in urgent need of practical resolution.
In order to make animal rights possible in the new framework of liberalism, this paper further argues that ethology should be introduced to perfect Kimberly Smith’s framework. Nevertheless, issues concerning limited resources, methodological differences, and the values of agency have to be overcome in order to make such proposal feasible.
◎Keywords: liberalism, ethology, moral agent, moral patient, governance
★Professor, Department of Public Administration and Management, National University of Tainan.
Book Review
Yi-tze Lee╱Indigenous People in the Anthropocene: Landscape Narratives and Epistemology of Infrastructure
Rong-tai Chen╱Three Ways to Express Gaia
General Topics
蔡玫姿╱漂移、賤斥與不滿 :在臺馬來西亞華裔女作家馬尼尼為的小眾創作
本文以在臺馬來西亞華裔女作家馬尼尼為的圖文創作為研究個案,其創作基調源於賤斥母職、賤斥新家園。《帶著你的雜質發亮》 (2013) 至「隱晦家庭系列」繪本(2016)、《沒有大路》 (2018)逐步形成異端母職 論述。本文的論有三:一、轉換「在臺馬華文學」作家框架為「在臺馬華婚姻移居」作家,於馬華文學中納入婚姻移居女作家,再現其漂移主體;二、以源發「賤斥」的創作欲力,詮釋其高舉「因為恨,所以創作」的創作動機。作家提出本能創作、垃圾技法、不完整性、專業與生活合流四者為創造型母親的策略。三、生存異地因母職而荒廢多年、缺乏人脈的新住民藝術家,使用網路募資及仰賴小出版社,有效改善發表空間,當視為「小眾文創」的能動力表徵。
Mei-Tzu Tsai╱Drifting, Abjection and Dissatisfaction: The Minority Creation of Manini-Wei
Drifting, Abjection and Dissatisfaction
The Minority Creation of Manini-Wei
Mei-Tzu Tsai*
The case study of this paper is the graphic-text composition of Manini-Wei, a Malaysian female author and a Taiwanese new immigrant. The keynotes of her creation theme are abject motherhood and adaptation to a new homeland. In Shining with Your Impurity (2013), Obscurity Family picture book series (2016), and No Avenue (2018), she forms her discourse of “Heretic Motherhood.” This particular study focuses on the following issues: (1) How her transformation from a Chinese literature writer in Malaysia to a Malaysian immigrant writer in Taiwan is achieved through her marriage, and how this transformation represents her expatriation; (2) Wei’s creative mantra, “I hate so I write,” will be interpreted with the theory of abjection to understand the origin and development of her creativity. Wei’s theories of creation (instinct creation, trash technique, incompleteness, interflow of professional and everyday life) are examined as a strategy to maintain the existence of a creative mother; (3) How Wei, who lacked social network due to her motherhood and being a foreigner, was able to raise funds for her picture book publication will be taken as a strategy to improve the publishing space and is representative of “minority creation” in the publishing industry.
◎Keywords: Manini-Wei, Chinese literature in Malaysia, motherhood, picture book, abjection
★Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University.
本文以德語作家克萊斯特在1810年完成的短文〈關於傀儡戲〉為 主,探討作者如何在他的文本中突破傳統,思考另一種不以人為中心的生命之可能性,並以此重新看待不在人的意識與企圖的主導下,生命有 何新的定義。討論從克萊斯特在1801年開始質疑康德哲學的知識論, 也就是所謂的「康德危機」的背景開始,並探討受康德哲學影響的席勒美 學。此外本文將借用德勒茲與瓜達里對於流變(becoming)的思考,論證 為何這篇短文認為傀儡戲木偶因其本身的物質性與無意識之故,反而能展現比人更自然優雅的移動之動。同時本文也借助馬蘇米關於動物本能的論述,探討〈關於傀儡戲〉裡所隱含自我異化的可能性,以及如何抽離人為主導下一直習以為常的觀念,想法與優越性。最後本文總結:克萊斯特文本中的優雅裡所代表的生命,即是去除自我,並經歷過無限領域後與非人的領域相互連結的生命,表達出另類生命與存在於跨界開放結構下的想像與可能性。
Shih-Yen Huang╱Movement and Life in Heinrich von Kleist’s “Über das Marionettentheater”
Movement and Life in Heinrich von Kleist’s “Über das Marionettentheater”
Shih-Yen Huang*
Based on the German writer Heinrich von Kleist’s short prose “Über das Marionettentheater,” this paper explores how Kleist breaks the philosophical and religious tradition so as to depict a new possibility of life decentered from the human being. The discussion begins with Kleist’s skepticism against Kant’s epistemology in 1801, the so-called “Kant-crisis.” This is followed by an exposition on the aestheticism of Friedrich Schiller, who was strongly influenced by Kant. Against such backdrop, Kleist argues that the marionette puppet can, due to its materiality and non-consciousness, express movement with more natural grace and elegance than a ballet dancer. Kleist’s notion is in keeping with the concept of becoming raised by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Quattari. By applying Brian Massumi’s studies on animal instinct, this paper aims to delineate the underlying implications in Kleist’s text, such as the notion of self-estrangement and the establishment of a new relationship between the humans and the non-humans. In conclusion, the grace presented in Kleist’s text demonstrates a kind of life that is de-subjectified and closely associated with the non-humans, signifying the possibility of another way of living that is based on an open-ended and cross-border structure.
◎Keywords: Heinrich von Kleist, movement, life, becoming, grace, the non-humans, Gilles Deleuze
★Associate Professor, Department of German, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.
阿蘭‧巴迪烏(李家沂 譯)╱「人民」用字二十四條注
Alain Badiou (Trans. Chia Yi Lee)╱Twenty-Four Notes on the Uses of the Word ‘People’