第四十六卷 第二期 總457 中華民國106年6月
Vol.46 No.2 June 2017

《中外文學》六月號收錄了五篇精彩的學術論文,以及「理論系列訪談」的第四篇。蘇子中以德希達(Jacques Derrida)評論亞陶(Antonin Artaud)的三篇文章切入,帶出其所欲討論的德希達「殘酷物語」,並指出德希達如何藉著趨近、挪用亞陶的論述來完成自我表述並發展自己的理論;周幸君從饑荒寓言的觀點來解讀喬伊斯(James Joyce)短篇小說〈死者〉(“The Dead”)中潛藏的饑荒陰影,說明作家筆下的愛爾蘭依舊無法擺脫半世紀前悲劇所造成的創傷,並持續迴避其揮之不去的陰影;陳重仁探討英國當代小說家麥克尤恩(Ian McEwan)在其書寫地球暖化的小說《日光》(Solar)中所採取的論述策略,剖析作者如何以開創性的手法和直指問題核心的方式,進行氣候變遷相關倫理議題的反思與批判;林巾力以戰後台灣與中國的現代詩為觀察對象,分析現代主義詩歌在冷戰期間如何重新崛起,以及冷戰的文化想像如何影響現代詩的思想與論述;林運鴻則探究台灣文學研究中長久以來「左翼缺席」的現象,並針對台灣文學史論述中的「後殖民左翼」與「族群導向的階級敘事」進行比較。「理論系列訪談」部分,則由本刊總編輯蕭立君與賴俊雄延續該系列訪談作為理論知識在地化基礎工程的關懷重點,深入探討了理論的定義、理論知識的多重面向、以及理論與哲學之分野等等議題。
蘇子中╱趨近/挪用/解構/背叛亞陶? 論德希達的「殘酷物語」
亞陶的作品具多層次的震撼力,往往能爆發出深不可測的巧思,並從四面八方釋放出殘酷的力量。不同的理論家從中篩選各自所要的部分,並試圖創發新的層面以滿足所需,德希達也不例外。在其生涯中,德希達曾多次評論亞陶的論述與創作,及亞陶謎樣的人生。對許多批評家而言,德希達的兩篇討論亞陶「殘酷劇場」的早期論文──〈被劫持的言語〉(1965)和〈殘酷劇場與再現的封閉〉(1966)──不但是「亞陶評論的經典範例」(Scheer 2004: 8),並對往後的亞陶研究造成深遠的影響。在其1986年的著作〈讓subjectile喪失理智〉中,德希達以亞陶所使用卻無法翻譯的字──subjectile──大作文章,除試圖去說明該字的狂亂意涵,也用該字來詮釋亞陶的思想與藝術創作。這三個著作構成本論文所欲討論的德希達「殘酷物語」。德希達到底是如何趨近、挪用、解構與背叛亞陶的想法?他如何憑藉其無堅不摧的解構方法學去有系統地重塑亞陶?本論文擬進一步細讀並分析德希達解讀亞陶的觀點與讀法,試圖評估並批判德希達的「殘酷物語」,並將「殘酷物語」置於德希達遺產的「文本織物」(textiles)脈絡中。換句話說,本論文梳理德希達對亞陶解讀方法的演變,過程中除了突顯德希達在論述中如何形塑亞陶,也展現德希達如何藉著趨近和挪用亞陶的論述與創作來完成自我的表述,發展自己的解構方法學與理論。
Tsu-Chung Su╱Approaching/Appropriating/Deconstructing/Betraying Artaud? A Critique of Derrida’s “Story of Cruelty”
Approaching/Appropriating/Deconstructing/Betraying Artaud?
A Critique of Derrida’s “Story of Cruelty”
Tsu-Chung Su*
Antonin Artaud’s writings are layers deep in strain. They madden in layers of unfathomable genius and issue forces of cruelty from all directions. Different theorists tease out different layers from Artaud and try to create new layers to serve their purposes, and so does Jacques Derrida. Over his writing career, Derrida has written multiple commentaries on the work of Artaud and has mentioned the name of Artaud from time to time in his work. For many critics, Derrida’s two early essays on “the theater of cruelty”—“La Parole Soufflée” (1965) and “The Theater of Cruelty and the Closure of Representation” (1966)—have not only become “the paradigmatic case of Artaud commentary” (Scheer 2004: 8) but also exerted a profound impact on subsequent scholarship on Artaud. In his later work, To Unsense the Subjectile (1986), Derrida takes issue with the untranslatable word “subjectile” used by Artaud and attempts to illustrate demented implications of the word and thus Artaud’s thoughts and artistic practices. These three pieces of writing constitute what I call Derrida’s “story of cruelty.” How does Derrida approach, appropriate, deconstruct, and betray Artaud’s thoughts? How does he employ his invincible deconstructive methodology to refashion Artaud in a systematic fashion? The purpose of this paper is to analyze Derrida’s interpretive viewpoint and strategy in transvaluating Artaud’s enterprise. It aims to critique of Derrida’s reading of Artaud and situates his “story of cruelty” in the textual fabric of the Derridean heritage.
◎Keywords: Antonin Artaud, Jacques Derrida, the theater of cruelty, deconstruction, metaphysics
★Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University.
★ 國立中興大學外國語文學系副教授。
Hsing-chun Chou╱The Famine Dead: Specters of the Great Irish Famine in “The Dead”
The Famine Dead
Specters of the Great Irish Famine in “The Dead”
Hsing-chun Chou*
◎Keywords: James Joyce, “The Dead,” the Great Irish Famine, demographic impacts, cultural impacts, absence and presence
★Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hsing University.
陳重仁╱「只不過是場災難,放輕鬆!」 麥克尤恩《日光》中氣候變遷的探問
本文探討英國當代作家麥克尤恩在《日光》採取的論述策略,有別於過往書寫氣候變遷慣用的科幻小說或是自傳書寫,麥克尤恩開創出一條不同的書寫路徑,批判力道更為深沈,而且問題直指核心的倫理衝突。麥克尤恩慣於將歷史事件融入故事場景,透過召喚過往的全球性危機與創傷記憶,麥克尤恩將近代發生許多讀者記憶猶新的事件串接到未來的想像情境,藉由書寫氣候變遷,小說家引渡歷史記憶進而挖掘暖化議題的倫理面向。作家書寫與故事主軸看似無關的重大危機與衝突事件,營造過去就在當下而未來即是過去的共時性想像,歷史的衝突不再顯得遙遠,集體的創傷記憶也不再只是殘留於歷史過往的孤立事件,而是與氣候變遷引發的倫理風暴緊密連結,在召喚集體回憶(remembering)的同時,也將之重組 (re-membering)並賦予新意。本文申論面對氣候變遷的困局不在於抉擇過什麼樣的生活,而是在於自認為有所抉擇的優越心態。氣候變遷困境所揭示的,是人類自認萬物皆為所用的現代性框限,是挑戰當下社會情境的正當性,也是針對自然環境步向他者化最深刻的批判。
Chung-Jen Chen╱“It’s a Catastrophe. Relax!” The Question Concerning Climate Change in Ian McEwan’s Solar
“It’s a Catastrophe. Relax!”
The Question Concerning Climate Change in Ian McEwan’sSolar
Chung-Jen Chen*
The present article explores the narrative strategy in Solar in its distinction from previous approaches favored by sic-fi and autobiographical writings on climate change. By creating a prototypal anti-hero, McEwan takes an alternative route in depicting the ethical dilemma under the threat of climate change.
This article makes the case that in remembering past events of destruction and confrontation and in reassembling collective memories in a personal way, McEwan extradites environmental issues into ethical concerns. McEwan justifies the legitimacy of writing trauma in terms of environmentalized practices of past conflicts, the familiarization of the collective identity of life community, and the projection of collective memories of past traumas onto a sense of urgency at the moment of apocalypse. It is not the experience but the anticipation of risk that displays the calculable uncertainty of climate change that rationalizes the otherization of the environment and the normalization of risk. As the enframing of modern technology is presented and transformed into the revealing of human dominance over nature, an inner contradiction of the progress mentality is held in paradox. As human beings indulge in the wealth and comfort accumulated from the exploitation of nature, no resolution is possible but to continue the momentum of production, consumption and
waste that happen to be the cause of current problem of climate change.
◎Keywords: global warming, climate change, enframing, collective memory, trauma
★Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
Nikky Lin╱Cold War Ideology and Modernism’s Cultural Imaginations: Observations on the Discourse of Modern Chinese Poetry in Post-war Taiwan and China
Cold War Ideology and Modernism’s Cultural Imaginations
Observations on the Discourse of Modern Chinese Poetry in Post-war Taiwan and China
Nikky Lin*
◎Keywords: Cold War, ideology, modernism, cultural imagination, modernization, discourse of modern Chinese poetry
★Associate Professor, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University.
★ 國立東華大學中國文學所博士。
Yun-Hung Lin╱Two Types of Leftists Who Forget about “Class”: A Comparison between Postcolonial Left and Ethnically-oriented Class Narrative in Discourses on the History of Taiwan Literature
Two Types of Leftists Who Forget about “Class”
A Comparison between Postcolonial Left and Ethnically-oriented Class Narrative in Discourses on the History of Taiwan Literature
Yun-Hung Lin*
◎Keywords: class consciousness, ethnic politics, Marxism, postcolonialism, Taiwanese literary history
★Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Chinese Language and Literature, National Dong Hwa University.
- 蕭立君╱研磨自己的鏡片看世界:與賴俊雄談理論
Li-Chun Hsiao╱Through the Lens of Your Own Making: An Interview with Chung-Hsiung Lai on the Question of Theory