第四十八卷 第二期 總465 中華民國108年6月
Vol.48 No.2 June 2019

《中外文學》六月號推出「『共群‧現場』:第四十屆全國比較文學會議專輯」,收錄了三篇精彩的專輯論文,此外,本期也收錄兩篇非專輯論文,以及一篇訪談紀錄。專輯論文部分,李育霖以德勒茲的觀點切入,探討藝術家吳天章錄像裝置藝術作品中的數位與類比語言等美學問題;劉紀雯以創傷的「記憶之場」概念深入剖析加拿大導演丹尼‧維勒納夫(Denis Villeneuve)的電影《蒙特婁校園屠殺事件簿》與《烈火焚身》,透過影像與情節連結自我與他者,提出建構「創傷社群」的可能性;張政傑則以劉大任的《遠方有風雷》及桐山襲的《風的年代記》為例,對1960年代末期至1970年代中期臺灣保釣運動與日本全共鬥運動的文學作品進行比較分析,著眼於東亞「1968」在文學方面的影響及未來的展望。一般論文部分,卜杭賓以尼采生命哲學之視角出發,闡述柯慈(J. M. Coetzee)的小說《耶穌上學記》(The Schooldays of Jesus)如何以詩性想像與審美救贖作為創作核心的藝術特質;鍾秩維試圖將東西方學界對「抒情傳統」之重新界定及討論與台灣既有的抒情論述進行銜接,聚焦於與弗雷德曼(Raphael Freedman)的「抒情小說」及陳世驤「中國文學的抒情傳統」密切對話的台灣現代派成員之看法與實踐。訪談部分,則由梁一萍、蘇榕、張瓊惠與史書美深入對談,討論從華語語系研究到世界研究的相關議題。
李育霖╱數位與手作 吳天章錄像裝置藝術作品的類比語言
Yu-lin Lee╱The Digital and the Manual: The Analogical Language in Wu Tien-chang’s Video Installation Artwork
The Digital and the Manual
The Analogical Language in Wu Tien-chang’s Video Installlation Artwork
Yu-lin Lee*
Drawing on Deleuzian theories on the arts, this paper explores the artistic expressions of Wu Tien-chang’s recent video installation artwork in terms of its digital and analogical languages. Wu describes his artwork as a style characterized by “a seamless seam,” one that sutures together two distinct realms, e.g. true/false, virtual/actual, good/evil, life/death, etc., that leaves a fissure between the opposing dualities. This fissure becomes precisely the basis on which Wu builds up his artwork by developing his artistic style through a mode of modulation, a process of variation that best defines an aesthetic of the analogue, thereby transforming the visual space into a haptic one. Wu’s artwork expresses great concern about life and history through a manipulation of the analogical language, thereby seeking a temporal renewal from putrid historical memoires and a true self in the fabricated reality.
◎Keywords: digital, manual, Wu Tien-chang, video arts, Deleuzian aesthetic, logic of sensation
★Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica.
劉紀雯╱都市電影與創傷「記憶之場」 《蒙特婁校園屠殺事件簿》與《烈火焚身》
◎關鍵詞:丹尼‧ 維勒納夫,《蒙特婁校園屠殺事件簿》,《烈火焚身》,記憶之場,見證創傷,創傷社群
Kate Chiwen Liu╱Urban Trauma Films as Lieux de Mémoire: Denis Villeneuve’s Polytechnique (2009) and Incendies (2010)
Urban Trauma Films as Lieux de Mémoire
Denis Villeneuve’s Polytechnique (2009) and Incendies (2010)
Kate Chiwen Liu*
◎Keywords: Denis Villeneuve, Polytechnique, Incendies, lieux de mémoire, witnessing trauma, traumatic community
★Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen University.
張政傑╱東亞「風雷」如何殘響? 臺灣「保釣文學」與日本「全共鬥文學」的比較研究
Cheng-chieh Chang╱How Do Wind and Thunder Echo? A Comparative Research Between Taiwan’s “Baodiao Literature” and Japan’s “Zenkyoto Literature”
How Do Wind and Thunder Echo?
A Comparative Research Between Taiwan’s “Baodiao Literature” and Japan’s “Zenkyoto Literature”
Cheng-chieh Chang*
This article primarily focuses on the literary writings—Liu Daren’s Wind and Thunder from Afar and Kiriyama Kasane’s Wind’s Chronicle—which are related to Taiwan’s Baodiao movement and Japan’s Zenkyoto movement from the late 1960s to the middle 1970s. Firstly, it clarifies the relationship between authors’ creative stances and the cold war structure in East Asia. The second part discusses comparative methodologies by Harry Harootunian and Gayatri Spivak, which provide an appropriate comparative approach based on issues of equivalence and spatial-temporality between languages. The third part analyzes Liu Daren’s Wind and Thunder from Afar with a particular focus on its multilayered space-time descriptions and historical horizons. The fourth part turns to Kiriyama Kasane’s Wind’s Chronicle, demonstrating how Kiriyama alternates between different genres and the lyrical style in his writings. In the fifth part, by comparing with Liu’s objective writing style, this article examines the differences in their literary representations and forms of remembrance. Then the discussion will turn to modernity and nationalism in Eastern Asian “1968” to tease out the potential for the studies of Eastern Asian “1968” in the future.
◎Keywords: 1968, Zenkyoto, Baodiao, the simultaneity of the nonsimultaneous, double bind
★Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University, Japan.
卜杭賓╱「與群星共舞」 《耶穌上學記》的兒童詩學與救贖想像
Hang-bin Bu╱“Dancing to the Stars”: The Poetics of the Child and Redemptive Imagination in J. M. Coetzee’s The Schooldays of Jesus
“Dancing to the Stars”
The Poetics of the Child and Redemptive Imagination in J. M. Coetzee’s The Schooldays of Jesus
Hang-bin Bu*
◎Keywords: Coetzee, The Schooldays of Jesus, Nietzsche, poetic of the child, redemptive imagination
★Ph.D. Candidate, School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University.
鍾秩維╱抒情的政治、理論與傳統 重探一個台灣文學的批判論述
Chih-wei Chung╱The Politics and Theory of the Lyrical Tradition in Taiwanese Literature: A Critical Reflection and Reconfiguration
The Politics and Theory of the Lyrical Tradition in Taiwanese Literature
A Critical Reflection and Reconfiguration
Chih-wei Chung*
◎Keywords: Taiwanese Modernist fiction, the lyrical tradition of Chinese literature, Sinophone articulation, lyrical theories, mimesis
★Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University.
- 梁一萍、蘇榕、張瓊惠╱從華語語系研究到世界研究:史書美訪談
Iping Liang, Susan Jung Su, Joan Chiung-huei Chang╱From Sinophone Studies to World Studies: An Interview with Shu-mei Shih