108年12月 旁若文學專輯


第四十八卷 第四期 總467 中華民國108年12月
Vol. 48 No. 4 December 2019

《中外文學》十二月號推出「旁若文學專輯」,收錄了三篇精彩的專輯論文,以及一篇專輯對談。此外,本期也收錄了一篇一般論文,以及一篇學術訪談。專輯論文部分,白瑞梅(Amie Parry)處理兩部未完結的小說系列:巴特勒(Octavia Butler)的《地球之種》(Earthseed),又稱《比喻》(Parable)系列,以及拉森(Stieg Larsson)的《千禧年》(Millennium)系列,亦即《龍紋身的女孩》(Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)系列小說。論文指出這兩部系列將女主角被賦權或奪權之敘事,連結到法西斯白人至上主義的歷史軌跡,進而探索自由西方世界之概念究竟為何;洪凌以三部幻設小說《神聖承擔》(Divine Endurance)、《漫長的冬季》(Winterlong)與《黑暗枷利黎》(Galilee)為分析對象,析論「人外-外人」的旁若書寫與文化政治,從外部的異己視角來檢視非正典生命的旁若屬性;林宛瑄則挪用以昆蟲做為方法探討當代社會之權力運作模式與從事反抗之可能性的相關理論,以《Psycho-Pass心靈判官》動畫系列為著眼點,探究在控制社會中進行昆蟲式反抗的可能性。專輯對談部分,由本刊總編輯廖勇超與專輯主編洪凌針對此次「旁若文學專輯」之問題意識進行多面向的討論及「旁若」之多重特質的發想。一般論文部分,蔡仁傑探討柏拉圖《斐德羅篇》(Phaedrus)——此為蘇格拉底唯一在雅典城外的哲學討論——中修辭於對話中的空間定位及移動,並配合戰車寓言,耙梳修辭的特質,進而指出,《斐德羅篇》重述了《高爾吉亞篇》(Gorgias)中棄卻修辭的基調。訪談部分,詹育杰則與加拿大雙人組哲學家馬穌米(Brian Massumi)與曼寧(Erin Manning)就其哲學「實踐」做了深入訪談。此外,自2020年1月起,本刊調整投稿字數如下:論文(不含註解與書目)以15,000~25,000字為限(字數下限原為10,000字),期能藉由提高投稿字數下限提升來稿之整體品質。另外,在科技部人社中心甫公布之2019年人社期刊評比結果暨核心期刊名單中,本刊仍維持收錄為THCI第一級期刊。


Special Issue on Paraliterature

  • 洪凌(專輯主編)╱「旁若文學專輯」弁言:比喻,人外,去臉,語奏
    Lucifer Hung, Guest Editor╱Introduction: Parable, More-Than-Human, De-Facement, and Playing Syntax





這篇論文處理兩部未完結的小說系列。一部是廣受好評的非裔美籍科幻小說家奧克塔維婭‧ 巴特勒的《地球之種》,又稱《比喻》系列。另一部是瑞典記者史迪格‧ 拉森的《千禧年》系列,亦即全球暢銷的《龍紋身的女孩》系列小說。我將指出這兩部系列將女主角被賦權或奪權的敘事,連結到法西斯白人至上主義的歷史軌跡,揭示了自由西方世界的概念究竟為何。這些未完結的系列作中的旁若文學元素,讓故事整體得以破除新自由主義的現世所幻設的未來,以及冷戰結構下自由主義世界所幻設的過往。因此,這兩部系列標誌了我認為在當代文化生產與評論中出現的「幻設轉向」。我認為,這兩部系列針對近來被視為轉型典範的國族國家(nation-state)體制,具有相當的批判性;兩部並讀也突顯出幻設轉向橫跨了既有學術界域及地緣政治的性質。

◎關鍵詞:幻設小說,新自由主義,奧克塔維婭‧ 巴特勒,史迪格‧ 拉森


Amie Parry╱The Speculative Turn: Parables for the Millennium

The Speculative Turn
Parables for the Millennium

Amie Parry*


This paper is a reading of two novel series: the Earthseed series, also known as the Parable novels, by Octavia Butler, a critically acclaimed African American science fiction novelist, and the Millennium series, aka the globally bestselling Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novels, by the Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson. I argue that both series unpack the idea of the liberal West by connecting narratives of dis/empowerment for female protagonists to the historical trajectories of fascistic white supremacism and racial capitalism. The para-literary elements of these arguably unresolved texts allow the narratives to unravel speculative futures for neoliberal presents and speculative pasts for the Cold War construction of the liberal. In this sense, both texts are emblematic of what I call a “speculative turn” in contemporary cultural production and criticism. I consider the two series as critical texts from nation-states that have been considered exemplary transitional models; reading them together shows how the speculative turn itself is formed across existing disciplines and geopolitical sites.

◎Keywords: speculative fiction, neoliberalism, Octavia Butler, Stieg Larsson

★Professor, Department of English, National Central University.




本論文以三部幻設小說為分析對象,探討「人外-外人」的旁若書寫與文化政治:透過「時空-肉身」的詭譎構築(uncanny building),從外部的異己視角來琢磨非正典生命的旁若屬性。



Lucifer Hung╱Extra-Humans and Other-Than-Humanity: Extrapolating Interspecies Politics and World Buildings in Paraliterary Writings

Extra-Humans and Other-Than-Humanity
Extrapolating Interspecies Politics and World Buildings in Paraliterary Writings

Lucifer Hung*

This paper extrapolates paraliterary writings and cultural politics of “extrahumans” and “other-than-humanity” by analyzing three works of speculative fiction. My main argument aims at exploring non-human lives and uncanny world-buildings invested in and reflected by outsiders-cum-others’ perspectives. In Divine Endurance, the threesome formed by a super-intelligent black cat, a specially-made gynoid, and a trans-man prince is the key issue to explore extra-human sexual politics, the residue of post-colonial structure and gender governance alongside the problems of near-future east-southern Asia matriarchal power struggles and the liminality of life. In the apocalyptic novel Winterlong, I will explore both the sexual economy in the aftermath of normative civilization and laboratory experiments on “other” lives, articulating the conditions of radical prosthesis and what it means to be the wanton drive of excess (of regular humanity). In the dark fantasy Galilee, I intend to read the queer (un)lives along with post-Lacanian psychoanalysis to explore politics of desire in others-withinhumanity.

◎Keywords: paraliterary writings, speculative fiction, extra-human, other-thanhumanity, gender/sexual politics, inter-species, world-building, queer

★Associate Professor, Graduate Institute for Gender Studies, Shih Hsin University.


以《Psycho-Pass 心靈判官》為例




不論是從數位生物科技如何組構社會或是網絡型政治組織興起的角度切入,不少當代論者都以昆蟲做為方法來探討當代社會的權力運作模式與從事反抗的可能性,也一再指出「蟲群政治」(politics of swarms)的內在矛盾或說曖昧性。本論文將從上述脈絡出發,以《Psycho-Pass 心靈判官》動畫系列為例,探討在控制社會中進行昆蟲式反抗的可能性。本人主張在昆蟲模式的曖昧性中找到驅動流變為蟲群的張力,乃是昆蟲式反抗動力迸發之處;而「無臉」昆蟲對「臉性」概念的衝擊,以及擬態所帶動的流變為不可察覺(becoming-imperceptible)邏輯,則提供了昆蟲式反抗的行動策略。

◎關鍵詞:《Psycho-Pass 心靈判官》,規訓社會,控制社會,蟲群政治,臉性,擬態,流變為不可察覺


Wan-shuan Lin╱Lessons of Swarm-Style Resistance in the Societies of Control from the Psycho-Pass Series

Lessons of Swarm-Style Resistance in the Societies of Control from the Psycho-Pass Series

Wan-shuan Lin*


The beginning of the 20th century witnessed the invention of digital networks and new surveillance technologies. New paradigms of control, according to Gilles Deleuze, thereafter pervade modern societies. With an allencompassing and sophisticated digital system of surveillance immersing itself in every aspect of the society, is resistance possible at all? And how might it be possible?

A number of scholars have employed the notions of insects and swarms to investigate the impact of information technology and biotechnology on society as well as the configuration of network political organizations. Many find the insect metaphor useful in analyzing the relationship of resistance to power in control societies. However, since swarming can inform both modes of resistance and control, repeated references to contradictions within the so-called “politics of swarms” have been raised. This paper takes as its aim to explore applicable strategies to cultivate resistance while circumventing its
inherent contradictions. The Psycho-pass Series is drawn as an example to set
up a swarm-style resistance in control societies. Two of the most noteworthy
lessons from the series would be swarming without a face to undermine the machine of faciality and resorting to mimicry to trigger the process of becoming-imperceptible.

◎Keywords: Psycho-pass Series, disciplinary societies, the societies of control, politics of swarms, faciality, mimicry, becoming-imperceptible

★Associate Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology.

Dialogue on Paraliterature

  • 洪凌、廖勇超╱旁若的多重宇宙/語奏
    Lucifer Hung and Yung-chao LiaoPara-Sites and Multiverse: An Inquisitive Conversation on Politics of Speculative Fiction, Weird Syntax, and Radical (dis)Connections

General Topics








Jen-chieh Tsai╱Rhetoric in Plato’s Phaedrus: From Socrates’ Chariot Allegory to the Spatial Configuration of Rhetoric

Rhetoric in Plato’s Phaedrus
From Socrates’ Chariot Allegory to the Spatial Configuration of Rhetoric

Jen-chieh Tsai*


Scholars have generally tried to explore rhetoric in Plato’s Phaedrus and Gorgias from the perspectives of epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. Such attempts have paid little attention to the fact that the Phaedrus is the one and only dialogue by Plato in which Socrates ratiocinates about matters outside Athens—where he might feel less obligated to challenge rhetoric than in the Gorgias and rather endorses rhetorical practice based on knowledge. Accordingly, this paper proposes that the notion of “space” should be used to explore Socrates’ reconceptualization of rhetoric in the said dialogue. It turns out that the space in the Phaedrus is largely informed and dominated by the chariot allegory proposed by the philosopher through images of movement, journey, rising, revolving, and falling. Specifically, the spatial forms in the Phaedrus include the contrast between the inside and the outside of Athens, the locus amoenus (the plane tree scene), the antithesis between metaphysical and physical space, the de/reterritorialization of philosophy, and the localization of rhetoric vis-à-vis the holism of knowledge. Hence, this paper argues that, considering such forms and the chariot allegory in approaching rhetoric, Socrates reterritorializes philosophy by rejecting rhetoric once more just as in the Gorgias.

◎Keywords: Phaedrus, chariot allegory, rhetoric, philosophy, space

★Associate Professor, Department of Applied English, Ming Chuan University.


  • 詹育杰╱從情動微觀政治到「多於人類」的經濟問題
    Yuchieh Chan╱From Micropolitics of Affect to Economy Question of “More-Than-Human”
