

第三十九卷 第三期 總430 中華民國99年9月
Vol.39 No.2 September 2010

《中外文學》九月號推出「差異政治:性別‧消費‧後國族想像」專輯,由政大日文系黃錦容教授擔任專題編輯。本專輯收錄了四篇精彩論文:謝世宗探討1972-1982年幾部戰後台灣小說中的消費議題,指出小說傳達的男性國族意識,及其經濟論述上銘刻的性別次文本;吳懷晨援用法國思想家巴塔耶(Georges Bataille)的愛欲理論來解析李安的電影《色∣戒》和張愛玲的小說〈色,戒〉,認為愛欲(色)乃人類在禁忌(戒)之後特有的神聖內在經驗;曾秀萍主張施叔青的《行過洛津》透過小說主角許情在戲曲和生活中的性別操演,展現複雜的身分認同、性別流動與家國想像;陳筱筠則以香港作家西西的小說《飛氈》為例,批判香港長期被論述的傷痛、匱乏特質,並強調日常生活經驗發展出的獨特性。除了四篇專題論文,本期亦刊登資深文評家高全之先生的新作〈戰時上海張愛玲:分辨〈等〉的荊刺與梁木〉,其文對張愛玲短篇小說〈等〉的幾個中英文版本進行了詳細的考辨研究。


Special Issue Articles

謝世宗╱經濟殖民、大眾消費與進口現代性: 台灣殖民經濟小說及其性別次文本(1972-1982)






S.T. Elliott Shie╱Economic Colonization, Mass Consumption, and Imported Modernity: Taiwanese Colonial Economic Fiction and Its Gender Subtext (1972-1982)

Economic Colonization, Mass Consumption, and Imported Modernity
Taiwanese Colonial Economic Fiction and Its Gender Subtext (1972-1982)

S.T. Elliott Shie*

     In the context of Taiwanese fiction, consumption did not become the subject of novelistic investigation until the 1970s when the sentiment of anti-imperialism rose and the understanding of Taiwan’s status as an economic colony started troubling the Taiwanese intellectuals. As a result, to buy or not to buy foreign goods became a question, not just of a personal choice or preference, but rather of national survival. Huang Chunming’s “Sayonara, Goodbye!” (1973) and “The Hat that Xiao Qi Always Wears” (1974) destruct the myth of logos, suggesting that imported goods from Japan are in fact inferior and deficient; Chen Yingzhen’s serial stories of Washington Manson describe how multinational corporations destroy local culture and traditional productvalue by their overwhelming commercials and fashionable commodities; Wang Zhenhe’s Portraits of Beauties (1981-82) criticizes the upper-middle classe’s fetishistic obsession with American luxury goods. On the one hand, these stories contain a male-oriented nationalism against commodity imperialism and express an unspoken anxiety about Taiwan’s economic dependency and belated modernity. On the other hand, the economic discourse upon which these stories are based is inscribed with gender differentiation, prioritizing production as masculine, but discrediting consumption as feminine.

◎Keywords: economic colonization, consumption, modernity, gender, Taiwanese fiction

★Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Tsing Hua University.

吳懷晨╱非關索隱,非關自傳: 以巴塔耶的愛慾論觀電影《色∣戒》與小說〈色,戒〉






Huai-Chen Wu╱Not the Puzzle-Out-Obscure-Meanings and Autobiographic Approach: “Lust∣Caution”, Interpreted by Bataille’s Theory of Eroticism

Not the Puzzle-Out-Obscure-Meanings and Autobiographic Approach
“Lust∣Caution”, Interpreted by Bataille’s Theory of Eroticism

Huai-Chen Wu*

After the movie “Lust∣Caution” was released, two schools of scholars have tried to explain the significances of this film, one by the Puzzle-Out-Obscure-Meanings approach and the other by the autobiographic approach. One school of scholars investigate the relation between the story and the real assassination in Shanghai spy circles in 1943. Another school of scholars inquire into the relation between the plot of this film and Eileen Chang’s own love affairs.
     However, I will try to explain the aesthetic significance of “Lust∣Caution” by Bataille’s theory of Eroticism. Bataille believed that “death taboo” and “sex taboo” are the intermediaries between “sacred world” and “profane world”. Through taboos, human beings can transgress from profane to the sacred world, and eros (lust) is the sacred and mystical inner experience for human beings after transgressing taboos.

◎Keywords: “Lust∣Caution”, Bataille, eroticism, taboo, sex, death, material appearance

★ Assistant Professor, Department of General Education, Taipei National University of the Arts.

曾秀萍╱扮裝台灣: 《行過洛津》的跨性別飄浪與國族寓言






Hsiu-ping Tseng╱Taiwan Cross-Dressed: Transgender Diaspora and National Allegory in Passing through Luo-chin

Taiwan Cross-Dressed
Transgender Diaspora and National Allegory in Passing through Luo-chin

Hsiu-ping Tseng*


This article argues that Shu-ching Shih’s novel Passing through Luo-chin demonstrates a complexity of identities, fluid gender, and the national imaginary through the gender performativity of the protagonist, a male actor playing the part of woman during the Qing period. Attentive to the protagonist’s cross-dressing and the narrative strategy of the novel, this presentation analyzes the novel’s multiple relations with the national allegory. Inspired by Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity and Fredric Jameson’s discussion of national allegory, this presentation relates the novel to Chinese opera and Chinese classic fiction, situates it in Taiwan’s colonial history, and identifies its political metaphors of Taiwan.

Adopting the style of “storytelling” narrative tactics which I call “simulated storytelling” (ni-shuo-shu), Passing through Luo-chin not only successfully represents the protagonist’s “transgender diaspora”—a unique and difficult means of expressing self-identity, self-reflexivity, and self-positioning, but also reflects the diverse facets of working-class Taiwanese society and the national imaginary. With a critical view similar to that of transgender studies, the novel can also be read as a criticism of the preoccupation with heteronormative masculinity and the reproductivist family. Passing through Luo-chin suggests a certain connection of affect as an alternative way out for the socially marginalized characters to position themselves in the diaspora and redress their personal and national identities. In addition to delineating the possibilities and difficulties of gender- and identity-crossing and the fluidity of affect and identities, Passing through Luo-chin also provides multiple perspectives and reflexivity on the national imaginary.

◎Keywords: diaspora, transgender, cross-dressing, national allegory, Chinese opera, storytelling, narrative, Taiwan, Shu-ching Shih (Shi Shuqing)

★Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University.

陳筱筠╱觀看香港的方法: 論西西《飛氈》的地方意識與敘事策略






Siao-Yun Chen╱The Way of Representing Hong Kong: Examining the Local Consciousness and the Strategy of Narrative in Xi Xi’s Novel

The Way of Representing Hong Kong
Examining the Local Consciousness and the Strategy of Narrative in Xi Xi’s Novel

Siao-Yun Chen*

     In the past, the way to discuss Hong Kong was always to emphasize its particularity of lack and ambiance of borrowed space and borrowed time. Since its time and space can be “borrowed”, the action of giving the borrowed time and space in return necessarily follows; thus, the subjectivity of Hong Kong always disappears between borrowing and giving in return. However, under the influence of various narrative approaches, the strategy of narrative and point of view tend to change during transitional periods and at the different historical phases in each society. The novel Flying Carpet presents Hong Kong proper. It was written by Xi Xi, a female writer in Hong Kong, and published before the handover in 1997. Furthermore, besides the perspective in which Hong Kong is represented through a logic of the wound and a form emphasizing the uniqueness and particularity of Hong Kong itself, it shows us how to view Hong Kong from other perspectives. Through the daily lives of common people and a universal cognition of the most practical boundary of geography, Xi Xi reflects the differences between locality of Hong Kong and exterior places. In the age of globalization that boundary no longer seems important as it had become blurry gradually; Xi Xi, however, returns to adopt the strategy of narrative in a direct and fundamental way of geographical politics. In other words, the way to represent Hong Kong and the focalization is no longer about the concept of lack and wound that was emphasized in earlier days, but a tendency to explore how the dialog proceeds between locality and the otherness of culture, and how the imagination of locality releases the potential energy in limited boundary.

◎Keywords: Xi Xi, Flying Carpet ,strategy of narrative, everyday life, boundary of geography

★Ph.D. Student, Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University.

Notes and Discussions

  • 高全之╱戰時上海張愛玲:分辨〈等〉的荊刺與梁木
    Chuan C. Kao╱Eileen Chang in Wartime Shanghai: A Re-reading of “Wait”