

第四十二卷 第二期 總441 中華民國102年6月
Vol.42 No.2 June 2013

《中外文學》六月號推出「寄/記存之間:第三十五屆全國比較文學會議專輯」,收錄了四篇精彩的論文。另外,本期也特別收錄由台北金萱會主辦之兩岸交流活動「漢學與比較文學‧比較文學與漢學:兩岸筆談」之相關文章。「專輯論文」部分,陳玉雲挪用佛洛伊德精神分析理論,探討歷史檔案與身心記憶結構之間的互動交流,及其可能創造出的願景;施恩惠以美國當代小說家保羅‧奧斯特(Paul Auster)的自傳《孤獨及其所創造的》為著眼點,並帶入德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與柏格森(Henri Bergson)的相關論述,以重新檢視記憶與主體間的層層糾葛;許綺玲從法國作家培瑞克(Georges Perec)的散文〈「思考/分類」〉切入,分析與「思考/分類」既相輔又相悖的「列單法」,探索培瑞克如何藉此寄/記存其個人生命印記;朱衣仙則以數位超文本小說《加利菲亞》(Califia)為例,探究在後現代多元破碎語境中,如何以「網絡化」歷史建構機制創造出具主體性之歷史。「兩岸筆談」部分,則分別由廖朝陽、程章燦、單德興、陳躍紅、馮品佳、王寧、陳玨等學者撰文,各自從不同角度出發,探討漢學與比較文學之相關論題。



  • 陳皇華、林宜莊(專輯主編)╱弁言
    Huang-hua Chen and Yi-Chuang E. Lin, Guest Editor╱Introduction





歷史檔案對於人類現況與未來,有如記憶庫之於個別主體。每一個歷史檔案既紀錄著過去事件,又靜待來者之取用,使之活現於當下。同樣地,記憶亦仰賴記/憶起之動作,方使過去經驗體現於當下。取用與記/憶起之中介(mediation)將歷史檔案與記憶從過去凝結之時間中解放,與當下事件與經驗互動──相互對照、呼應、對話、辯證等,進而帶出一可能未來。取用與記/憶起成為歷史檔案與記憶活現之鑰。取用與記/憶起之關鍵為何?結構/組織化。不論是歷史檔案/群體或個體,結構/組織化後必然造成內/外之分野:在歷史檔案/群體層次,形成了我類/群vs. 非我類/群;在記憶/個體層次,則有(內)同於群體vs. 異於(外在)我群之別。個體記憶與群體歷史檔案,既重疊又有差異;個體在群體的位置,既內且外。因此,個體與群體之互動或反動,驅使個體啟動記憶與歷史檔案跨時交流,形塑一時空分界挪移之可能。個體記憶如何驅動個體與群體之互、反動?精神分析之記憶結構身心理論點出了經驗之記/存過程與裝置有其決定性的影響。就此,本文試圖從佛洛伊德於《失語症釋義》、《科學心理學大綱》、〈給弗立斯信件52〉、《歇斯底里研究》以及《夢的解析》中所提出之身心記憶結構出發,分析經驗在結構化為記憶之過程中,內、外物質元素如何歷經層層轉寫,以及在轉寫過程中之質能變化如何構成日後個體召喚記憶之動能,驅動個體與群體互動或反動,帶出個體記憶與歷史檔案之跨時空交流,進而勾勒一可能願景。



Yuyun Chen╱The Future Potential: Ex-isting between Archives and the Mind-Body-Complex Structure

The Future Potential
Ex-isting between Archives and the Mind-Body-Complex Structure

Yuyun Chen*


As archives are to the continuation of human civilization, so is the memory database to the survival of an individual. Archives record the past events and wait to be retrieved. Likewise, individual memory relies upon being remembered. Retrieval or remembering enables archives or individual memory to be released from the past, come to being, and interact with the events or experiences at the present. Despite their structural similarity, the individual’s memory overlaps with the social memory, but not wholly. And it is this sense of not wholly overlapping that activates the individual’s interaction with or reaction against the community. In the course of interaction with or reaction against the community, the individual will retrieve personal memory and archival memory for comparison, coherence, dialogue or dialectics, with the result of a potentiality for de-limitation. What drives the individual’s interaction with and reaction against the community? Freud’s theorization of the psychical apparatus reveals that recording and processing the experience determine the later activities of the individual’s relation to the community. All these ideas, this paper argues, have been implied in Freud’s theory of memory in On Aphasia, “Project for a Scientific Psychology,” Letter to Fliess #52, Studies on Hysteria and Interpretation of Dreams. This paper goes on to analyze the potentiality lying in the process of transcribing and translating the external and internal excitations of an experience into a memory in the Freudian theory of memory.

◎Keywords: archive, memory, temporality, body-mind-complex apparatus, Freudian psychoanalysis

★Ph.D Student, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.

施恩惠╱通往他者的記憶:保羅‧ 奧斯特自傳《孤獨及其所創造的》中的生成主體

保羅‧ 奧斯特自傳《孤獨及其所創造的》中的生成主體






En-hui Shih╱Memory of/to the Other: The Becoming of the Narrative Self in Paul Auster’s Invention of Solitude

Memory of/to the Other
The Becoming of the Narrative Self in Paul Auster’s Invention of Solitude

En-hui Shih*


The relation between memory and the self is always the main concern in memory studies. Usually, it is believed that the self is able to summon up past experiences into the present though recollection. By recalling his memories, the self has an opportunity to examine and reflect on his life, and the self can maintain his integrity at the same time. Autobiography is one of the narrative forms that can best display the representational relationship between memory and the self. However, Bergson’s notion of “pure memory” and Deleuze’s insight of the subject as a “becoming” negate the representability of memory by the self. In fact, the self functions as a passage or a singular point through which memory is actualized into the present. Based on Bergson’s and Deleuze’s views, this paper aims to revisit Paul Auster’s first autobiography, The Invention of Solitude, to explore how the autobiographical self transforms from a cogitolike self into a nomadic/becoming self via recollection.

◎Keywords: memory, recollection, becoming, Bergson, Deleuze

★ Ph.D Candidate, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University; Adjunct Lecturer, English Department, Shih Hsin University.





培瑞克(Georges Perec, 1936-1982)去世三年後出版的文集《思考/分類》(Penser/Classer, 1985),收錄的是他觀察、省思日常生活事物所寫成的短篇散文。其中作為書名標題的文章是〈「思考 /分類」〉(“‘Penser/Classer,’” 1982)。本文先從這篇散文的建構原則和內容切入,分析與「思考/分類」既相輔又相悖的「列單法」,此一手法作為書寫風格存在已久,在當代文學中重新蔚為風尚。培瑞克在這篇散文裡展演五花八門的知識,藉博學、博物之展陳,除了在詞與物之間,關注文學書寫問題之外,其實更帶有個人神話之建構/隨即消解/重構的非單純意圖。培瑞克以低調甚至不著痕跡的方式進行,潛游在列單的缺口、脫軌遁逸;其文本在冷靜的文字外表之下飄散著憂鬱的氛圍。綜言之,本論文將試圖揭露培瑞克如何藉由這篇擬似客觀議論知識的散文,實則於文字間,記/寄存個人之生命印記,與關鍵字母微素隱密地相互依存。



Chi-Lin Hsu╱Exploring into the Networks of Intertwined Lines in Georges Perec’s Essay “‘Think/Classify’”

Exploring into the Networks of Intertwined Lines in Georges Perec’s Essay “‘Think/Classify’”

Chi-Lin Hsu*


Georges Perec’s Think/Classify was published three years after his death in1982. It contains essays about his observation of daily life, and one of the texts, just as indicated by the title “‘Think/Classify,’” deals with a fundamental question about human culture: think and classify, which comes first? This article starts by presenting the structure and writing style of the essay, then study the listing related to thought vs. classification. In fact, listing is an old manner of writing, renewed fashionably by contemporary literature. In “‘Think/Classify,’” Perec exhibits much pedantry, while working on his writing style. But what he really does is to construct his own personal myth, then immediately destroy it just in order to rebuild it, and he does it almost silently without leaving evident traces, except a hint of the lack, a hole, an escape, or so called clinamen. That’s why the dominant mood in the essay is melancholy. So we try to discover how Perec takes this pseudo-scientific reflective essay as a pretext to notify as well as “save” his life mark, which has an inextricably close relationship with some alphabetical letters as keynotes of his autobiotext.

◎Keywords: Georges Perec, classification, listing, order, mise en abyme, alphabet, Italo Calvino, clinamen

★Associate Professor and Chair, Department of French, National Central University.

朱衣仙╱「星點-星座-星網」與「北極星」: 數位超文本地誌《加利菲亞》的網絡化歷史建構




為了探討如何在後現代的多元碎裂語境中建構出具有主體性的歷史,本文航向洛杉磯(Los Angeles)/《加利菲亞》(Califia)。《加利菲亞》這部以後現代空間表徵洛杉磯為主題的數位超文本小說,結合了書寫媒體所提供的可能性,以地誌書寫的方式,在洛杉磯碎裂的場域/地景中建構出具有「網絡化」(networking)樣態的角色家族歷史與地方集體歷史。在相關社會學論述中,「網絡化」已被視為是在全球化與資訊化社會體系下建構出在地化意義的一種新文化策略,然而,在不同場域進行「網絡化」行動的運作機制卻仍有待探索。在我們以《加利菲亞》為對象的探索中,發現「網絡化」的歷史建構機制乃植基於「檔案」的「碎裂並置」,以及建構歷史的不同主體在碎片中依其主體性自行連斷的「接合」(articulation)行動。在這個歷史建構場域,過往的歷史詮釋會隱現其中,成為建議性的「導引」。文本中所浮現的「星點-星座-星網」與「北極星」這組後設象徵,對應出其自身的歷史建構美學。此一美學也呈現了資訊社會中人們不斷解構知識為資訊、接合資訊為知識、彼此共享知識網絡、並以他人或過往所建構知識為參考的知識型態(episteme)。



I-Hsien Chu╱“Stars-Constellations-Star Web” and “Polaris:” The Networking of Historical Construction in Califia

“Stars-Constellations-Star Web” and “Polaris”
The Networking of Historical Construction in Califia

I-Hsien Chu*


The features of spatilization in postmodern cultures and information society—plurality, heterogeneity, and fragmentation, as well as their “space of flows,” have induced problems for meaning-construction. Since “networking” is considered as a viable strategy to create localized meanings in a globalized and information society, this article studies how postmodern texts construct a networking style of history. By analyzing the digital hypertext of Califia, it argues that a way to construct networking style of history is to form a locale and facilitate it with the mechanisms of “disjunction-articulation-networking” and “suggestive guidance.” It is found that these mechanisms are not only embedded in the forms of Califia, but also embodied in its content. Through its networked text, Califia constructs the characters’ personal history and collective history for Los Angeles (often used to represent “postmodern space”) or California. There is also a set of meta-symbols in Califia, namely “Stars-Constellations-Star Web” and “Polaris,” which represents the mechanisms of its historical construction and the episteme of information society.


◎Keywords: postmodern space, postmodern history, digital hypertext, networking, information society, Los Angeles

★Associate Professor, General Education Center, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology.

Sinology and Comparative Literature, and Vice Versa:
A Cross-Strait Dialogue

  • 陳玨╱筆談緣起
    Jue Chen╱Preface
  • 廖朝陽╱比較文學的轉化
    Chaoyang Liao╱The Transformation of Comparative Literature
  • 程章燦╱海外漢學與比較文學:亞瑟‧魏理的啟示
    Cheng Zhangcan╱Overseas Sinology and Comparative Literature: The Significance of Arthur Waley
  • 單德興╱臺灣的比較文學:一位在地學者的觀察
    Shan Te-hsing╱Comparative Literature in Taiwan: A Brief Historical Survey
  • 陳躍紅╱錢鍾書比較詩學方法論舉隅
    Chen Yuehong╱A Methodological Illustration of Qian Zhongshu’s Comparative Poetics
  • 馮品佳╱「後」殖民女性小說的比較研究
    Pin-chia Feng╱Comparative Studies of (Post)colonial Women’s Writing
  • 王寧╱孟而康與比較詩學的超越
    Wang Ning╱Earl Miner: Beyond Comparative Poetics
  • 陳玨╱孟爾康漢學遺產的比較文學脈絡
    Jue Chen╱Earl Miner’s Sinological Legacy: From the Perspective of Comparative Literature