第三十八卷 第一期 總424 中華民國98年3月
Vol.38 No.1 March 2009
《中外文學》三月號推出〈生命、政治、倫理:文學研究的回應——第三十二屆全國比較文學會議論文專輯〉,收錄七篇精彩論文:林松燕將拉岡與伊希嘉黑作相互參照、閱讀,探討「愛欲」、「倫理」與「性別差異」;周俊男以後期傅柯理論解讀《關鍵報告》的後人類倫理;林宛瑄以德勒茲與瓜達希在《千重臺》中病毒的異質連結為例,說明病毒感染是一種身動力的交相作用;廖高成探討庫雷西(Hanif Kureishi)小說《黑色唱片》中的主角如何受到晚期資本主義社會不同倫理觀念的影響,透過/超越消費主義與基本教義實踐找到自身認同;黃渼婷討論德國表現主義作家都柏林(Alfred Döblin)如何融合無政府主義思想與道家思想,勾勒出他的「政治烏托邦」。在「文學/文化論評」中,王儀君藉由德萊登(John Dryden)劇作《安波那》,將英國十七世紀與荷蘭在殖民地安波那的經濟、政治角力,重新繪上國族主義與對東方殖民城市的想像;另外,本期與《美國季刊》(American Quarterly)三月號同步刊出美國研究學會會長狄若瑞爾(Philip J. Deloria)2008年年會的會長演說稿,討論美國研究未來的取徑。
Special Issue Papers
Song-Yen Lin╱Love in the Time of Becoming: The Ethical Future of Sexual Difference in Lacan and Irigaray
Love in the Time of Becoming
The Ethical Future of Sexual Difference in Lacan and Irigaray
Song-Yen Lin*
◎Keywords: sexual difference, ethics, temporality, being, becoming, event, love
★Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chi Nan University
Jun-Nan Chou╱Bio-Politics, Self-objectification, and Reflexivity: A Foucauldian Reading of Minority Report
Bio-Politics, Self-objectification, and Reflexivity
A Foucauldian Reading of Minority Report
Jun-Nan Chou*
◎Keywords: Foucault, bio-politics, governmentality, post-human, ethics, reflexivity, society of the spectacle
★ Assistant Professor, Department of Applied English, Southern Taiwan University.
林宛瑄╱《千重臺》中的病毒: 從生物醫學看身動力
德勒茲與瓜達希在《千重臺》中以病毒所牽動的異質連結作 為例子,來說明根莖異於樹狀結構的運作機制。但一般對病毒感 染的論述方式深受軍事隱喻的影響,傾向把病毒視為單方面入侵 人體的敵人,免疫系統則是確保主權完整的防線,這種論述框架 很難轉換為有創造性的異質連結。本文將爬梳生物醫學相關研究 的論點,舉出例證來說明,病毒感染不只是單向的入侵,而是身 動力交相作用的結果。而免疫系統也不需是證明自我界限何在的 防線,而是人體細胞與病毒之間不斷解軫域化與再軫域化的一重 平台。當敵我對抗的意象被解構後,我們方能循線進入病毒所織 出的生命網絡,看到多重的異質連結。
Wan-Shuan Lin╱The Virus in A Thousand Plateaus: Approaching Affect from the Perspective of Biomedicine
The Virus in A Thousand Plateaus
Approaching Affect from the Perspective of Biomedicine
Wan-Shuan Lin*
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari refer to the conditions of viral infection in A Thousand Plateaus as an example of how alliances of heterogeneous elements are effectuated. However, as popular descriptions of viral infection are so captivated by military metaphors which preach confrontation between the human self and the viral other, an alternative model of viral infection has to be formulated so that the creative involution facilitated by viral infection can be appreciated. Following Deleuzean lines, the present article argues that viral infection testifies to the circulation of affects within machinic assemblages instead of coming about as a result of unilateral imposition. There is even a certain motivation to viral infection on the part of the human body. It is also argued that rather than serving as the guarantee of a certain biological self by waging battles against foreign antigens, the immune system defines a territory which is engaged in an endless process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization.
◎Keywords: viral infection, affect, machinic assemblages, the immune system, deterritorialization, reterritorialization
★Assistant Professor, Department of Applied English, Yuanpei University.
◎關鍵詞:庫雷西,消費主義,消費社會,工作倫理,浪漫倫理, 回教基本教義派,晚期資本主義,自由主義
Kao-Chen Liao╱Between Consumerism and Fundamentalism: Ethic, Identities, and Late Capitalism in The Black Album
Between Consumerism and Fundamentalism
Ethic, Identities, and Late Capitalism in The Black Album
Kao-Chen Liao*
This paper discusses how main characters in The Black Album go through and beyond practices of consumerism and Islam fundamentalism, finding their own identities among various ethical positions in late capitalism. Representations of different characters from the author illuminate the enormous impact of consumerism, which even fundamentalist believers are not immune from. On the other hand, Kureishi also indicates that, via the romantic ethic, individualism and liberalism articulated with consumerism, an individual is capable of evading extravagant desire and achieving spiritual development. The consumer society does not merely take root on commodities and their signs. Its management relies on the ethic inherent in the logic of capitalism. Colin Campbell has pointed out that the consumer society is guided by the dual logic of modernity, namely the logic of reason manifested in calculation and experiment, and the logic of dream originated from passion and aspiration. Working ethic and romantic ethic are resulted from this dual logic, and in turn maintain the operation of capitalism in the end of production and consumption. Yet, characters in this novel do not necessarily follow its ethical principles even if they are products of consumer captialism. Furthermore, to resist over-expansion of the romantic ethic and the ethnic exploitations long present in the Western consumer society, there is a fictional community, despite its breeding in Britain, insistent on Islamic fundamentalism to withstand fragmentation of the personal or communal identity. Examining characters with widely different ethic and cultural identity, Kureishi’s novel validates the balance between the working and romantic ethic in the consumer society, and explores the possibility of transcending self-indulgence and asceticism.
◎Keywords: Hanif Kureishi, consumerism, consumer society, working ethic, romantic ethic, Islamic fundamentalism, late capitalism, liberalism
★Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University.
◎關鍵詞:道家思想,無政府主義,政治烏托邦,生命秩序,艾弗 德‧都柏林
Mei-Tin Huang╱Variations of Political Utopia and Wu-Wei: Change of People’s Life Order in Die drei Sprünge des Wang-lun
Variations of Political Utopia and Wu-Wei
Change of People’s Life Order in Die drei Sprünge des Wang-lun
Mei-Tin Huang*
◎Keywords: Daoism, Anarchism, Political Utopia, Life Order, Alfred Döblin
★Post-doctoral Fellow, Fu-Jen Academia Catholia
Literary / Cultural Criticism
- 王儀君╱德萊登劇本《安波那》中的東方城市與殖民想像
I-chun Wang╱John Dryden’s Amboyna: Oriental City and Colonial Imagination - 菲力普‧狄若瑞爾(Philip J. Deloria)╱百路匯與主街:十字路、鬼途以及美國研究未來的取徑(黃心雅、張淑君譯;單德興校譯)
Philip J. Deloria╱Broadway and Main: Crossroads, Ghost Roads, and Paths to an American Studies Future (Trans. Hsinya Huang and Clara Shu-Chun Chang; Trans. editor: Te-hsing Shan)
I-Chun Wang╱John Dryden’s Amboyna: Oriental City and Colonial Imagination
John Dryden’s Amboyna
Oriental City and Colonial Imagination
I-Chun Wang*
◎Keywords: Dryden, Amboyna, colonial literature, colonial imagination
★Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University.