第四十六卷 第三期 總458 中華民國106年9月
Vol.46 No.3 September 2017

另外,《中外文學》已收錄於Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection)這項國際資料庫引文索引中。獲選入Emerging Sources Citation Index(簡稱ESCI)的期刊與Web of Science Core Collection所屬之期刊享有同樣之能見度,而這也是目前新申請期刊在收錄於該核心資料庫群組所屬之旗艦性引文索引(flagship Citation Indices,例如A&HCI或SSCI)之前的一道必經評估程序。《中外》的ESCI收錄將涵蓋所有於2017年出版的內容(亦即包括已於六月號和三月號刊登的文章)。相關詳細訊息與說明請見由總編輯蕭立君執筆之本期〈編輯室報告〉。
Editorial Note
- 蕭立君╱編輯室報告
Li-Chun Hsiao╱Editorial Note
- 邱漢平、林宜玲(專輯主編)╱弁言
Hanping Chiu and Yi-ling Lin, Guest Editors╱Introduction
張小虹╱ 運動齊物論:物-件與民主
論文將分成四個部份進行。第一部份將從一件號稱「汗味民主T」的網路拍賣開始談起,嘗試在運動T恤的「書寫表面」與「身體界面」分析之外,開展出從抗爭主訴求「捍衛民主」作為運動理念、到同音異字「汗味民主」作為運動「體現」之連續變化。第二部份則企圖進一步從作為「質量體」的運動T恤逃逸,不再是「物形」T恤穿在「人形」參與者的身上,而是運動現場物質性與非物質性的情動連結,亦即「汗味民主T」作為「分子化運動」的可能。主要將藉由德勒茲的「纖維」概念,將棉布的吸溼物質性,轉換到棉紗纖維的「物質-運動」,再開展出「纖維」作為邊界連結、創造與流變的思考,讓「汗味民主T」能從運動標語的「書寫表面」、運動參與的「身體界面」開展到運動本身「流變-纖維」的思考,並由此推向太陽花運動作為「纖維網絡」分子流變與基進平等的可能。第三部份則回到當代物論中有關「物」與「民主」的連結,探討拉圖、班妮特等人對「民主唯物論」的貢獻與侷限。第四部份則嘗試帶入巴特勒深具政治抗爭戰鬥力的「危命集結」概念,將「民主唯物論」推向「民主危物論」,來同時連結《莊子‧ 齊物論》中「吹萬不同」的「有情而無形」與史賓諾莎、德勒茲的「情動」,以「身體易受性」作為平等的基進預設──任何人事物皆在施受的關係網絡之中,任何人事物皆能施、能受、能流變轉化,以展開太陽花佔領立法院運動最終作為「民主齊物論」的思考潛能。
Hsiao-hung Chang╱Equality in Movement: Thing-Event and Democracy
Equality in Movement
Thing-Event and Democracy
Hsiao-hung Chang*
Contemporary critical discourses on things are on the rise, among which many endeavors are spent on exploring the relationship between “things” and “democracy.” Concepts, such as “thing-oriented democracy,” “parliament of things,” “the materialist theory of democracy,” have been ardently proposed by critics one after another in efforts to create the conceptual slippage between “the assembly” and “the assemblage,” and the affective linkage between the human and the non-human. This article attempts to follow these tendencies by focusing on the things of protest in the Sunflower Occupy the Legislative Yuan Movement that took place in spring 2014 in Taiwan to map out the transforming possibilities of these protest things from the “molar” to the “molecular,” from their centralized management, distribution, classification and archivation to their disruptive forces of becoming and radical equality when de-territorialized as the molecular movement of a “thing-event.” The present article tries to initiate disagreements with the concepts of “parliament of things,” “democracy of things,” and so forth on the one hand, and to unfold on the other hand the politics of aesthetics of the Sunflower Occupy the Legislative Yuan Movement as a radical rethinking of “democracy” and “equality.”
This article is divided into four parts. Part I takes the internet auction of a so-called “Sweat Smell Democracy T-shirt” as a point of departure to explore the continuous transformation from the “idea” of “Defending Democracy” to the “embodiment” of “Sweat Smell Democracy” in light of the witty use of “defending” and “sweat smell” as homonyms in Chinese, together with the analysis of the T-shirt as both the “writing surface” and the “bodily interface” of the movement. Part II takes a line of flight from the protest T-shirt as a “molar” entity of a material-form to a “molecular” movement of “sweat smell.” The “fiber” theorized by Gilles Deleuze is adopted here to map out how the absorptive materiality of cotton cloth is transformed into the “material-movement” of the cotton yard fiber, how the Deleuzian “fiber” is further evolved into the thinking of border connection, creativity and becoming, and how the Sunflower Occupy the Legislative Yuan Movement can be radicalized as the molecular becoming of “fiber network.” The “Sweat Smell Democracy T-shirt” can thus be approached from the “writing surface” of movement slogans, the “bodily interface” of movement participation, and ultimately to the “becoming-fiber” of the movement itself. Part III returns to the central concern of the article—the relation between “things” and “democracy”—by bringing in the critical discourses on “parliament of things” by Bruno Latour and on the “materialist theory of democracy” by Jane Bennett, and discuss respectively their contributions and limitations. Part IV takes the politically empowered concept of “precarious assemblage” proposed by Judith Butler to radicalize the “materialist theory of democracy” as the “precarious thing theory of democracy” (again “materialist” and “precarious thing” are homonyms in Chinese). Butler’s concepts will further be connected with Zhuang-zi’s “’Blowing the myriad differences” and “Having affect without forms,” together with Baruch Spinoza’s and Deleuze’s concept of “affect,” to make “bodily vulnerability” as the radical presupposition of equality—humans and nonhuman are all involved in the relational network of affectivity; each has the capacity to affect, to be affected, and to become. In light of this radical presupposition, the Sunflower Occupy the Legislative Yuan Movement in Taiwan will thus be explored as a movement endowed with the ultimate potential for “Democratic Equality.”
◎Keywords: democracy, equality, thing, affect, Sunflower Occupy the Legislative Yuan Movement, precarity
★Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
張瓊惠╱意識黑箱與「兩種文化之爭」: 論戴維‧洛奇的《想⋯⋯》
★ 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系教授。
Joan Chiung-huei Chang╱Black Box of Human Consciousness and“Two Cultures Dispute”: Reading David Lodge’s Thinks. . .
Black Box of Human Consciousness and“Two Cultures Dispute”
Reading David Lodge’s Thinks. . .
Joan Chiung-huei Chang*
◎Keywords: David Lodge, Thinks. . ., Consciousness and the Novel, Secret Thoughts, human consciousness, qualia, Two Cultures Dispute, artificial intelligence
★Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University.
美國小說家鮑爾斯(Richard Powers)在《獲利》(Gain)一書追溯萊斯伍(Lacewood)這個小鎮的崛起,而且小說也透過「遠近透視法」對蘿菈(Laura Brodey)在花園工作、家庭以及離不開克萊兒國際公司(Clare International)的「田園」生活作深描,直到蘿菈罹癌,田園生活嘎然而止。小說發展分為兩條主線:一是克萊兒國際公司如何在這個小鎮發跡以及該公司在開發的過程中有汙染環境的案例發生,另一是蘿菈的日常生活和物件之間的關係。從法國社會學家拉圖爾(Bruno Latour)的角度來看,鮑爾斯的小說提出一個重要的問題:我們從未「叩問物件」所扮演的角色為何?對拉圖爾而言,行動者或行動體(actors/actants)和環境之間的關係並非兩條平行線,毫無相交或重疊之處;原先被視為「理所當然」(matter of fact)其實是關心重點(matter of concern)和照顧重點(matter of care)。本文嘗試結合拉圖爾的物件理論和阿萊茉(Stacy Alaimo)的「跨身體性」(transcorporeality)來檢視克萊兒國際公司、蘿菈和毒物三者是如何形成「互物性」(interobjectivity)。透過拉圖爾的政治生態學,本文重審鮑爾斯小說筆下的資本主義所製造的毒物是如何透過「慢性暴力」的方式,悄然侵入身體和環境中。
★ 淡江大學英文學系教授兼系主任。
Robin Chen-Hsing Tsai╱Interobjectivity and Transcorporeality: Political Ecology in Richard Powers’s Gain
Interobjectivity and Transcorporeality
Political Ecology in Richard Powers’s Gain
Robin Chen-Hsing Tsai*
In Richard Powers’s Gain, the small town of Lacewood abruptly rises up as a matter of course; the author uses a far-and-near perspective to sketch the rural life of Laura Brodey working in her garden, her home and as well the ever present “garden” of Clare International up until the point that Laura suddenlycontracts cancer. The narrative develops along two important lines: one is the rise of Claire and in the process of development one case of environmental pollution that happens; the second is the relationship between the daily life of Laura and the objects she comes in contact with. For this study, the main issue of the story is “What role do the objects we have never inquired into play?” Latour holds that the actors/actants and the environment are not two parallel lines. He also says that what originally was considered “a matter of fact” is actually a “matter of concern” and then a “matter of care.” This paper combines Latour’s object theory and Stacy Alaimo’s theory of transcorporeality so that the reader can reread Powers’s novel and the implications of the toxicants produced by capitalism that utilizes slow violence to cunningly invade the body and the environment.
◎Keywords: Richard Powers, Gain, transcorporeality, interobjectivity, Bruno Latour, political ecology, object theory
★Professor and Chair, Department of English, Tamkang University.
黃宗慧╱化人新世紀? 以《愛麗絲》為鏡/徑重省人-動物組配論
化人主義在動物研究的領域裡一直是個頗爭議的概念,將動物化人到底有助於喚起共感,還是會淪為一廂情願的投射?不同立場的論辯雖仍持續著,但近來隨著行動者網絡理論的盛行,已有越來越多研究者注意到,化人主義未必有礙動物倫理的推展,如班尼特(Jane Bennett)即力主化人主義的正面價值,認為當我們承認非人的物也有能動性時,在新的科技發展協助下,這種化人主義將有助我們聆聽與回應由物所提出的主張、所發出的異議;而面對環境生態的種種問題時,對能動性的肯定也應能讓我們更細膩地去分析:在人與非人的組配中,每個參與者各自扮演了什麼角色。當化人主義被如此推崇時,人與動物關係是否也隨之進入了一番值得期待的新局?本論文將取徑路易斯‧卡若爾(Lewis Carroll)的《愛麗絲》(Alice books),透過這兩本與達爾文(Charles Darwin)投下演化論震撼彈同一時期、且書中充斥化人動物的文學作品,探討目前興起的人-動物組配論為人與動物關係的思考及動物倫理研究帶來甚麼樣的開創性或疑義,而其中的疑義,又是否和以物為導向的趨勢有關?除了透過文本詮釋來進行對於相關理論概念的釐清與反思,本論文亦將討論:從什麼樣的角度來探討愛麗絲故事中的人與動物關係將有助於凸顯其中的倫理意義,而不只是停留在歌頌「物的民主」的階段?
Tsung-huei Huang╱Toward a New Age of Anthropomorphism? Reconsidering the Human-Animal Assemblage through the Looking-glass of Alice Books
Toward a New Age of Anthropomorphism?
Reconsidering the Human-Animal Assemblage through the Looking-glass of Alice Books
Tsung-huei Huang*
◎Keywords: anthropomorphism, human-animal assemblage, Actor-Network theory, Alice books, co-evolution
★Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
★ 東吳大學英文學系副教授。
Chiu-Hua Su╱Rappers, Telegraphists, and Ghosts: Rereading the Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens via Media Archaeology
The Silent Cry
The Im/possibility of Witnessing the Life That Remains in the Kinkaseki POW Camp
Tsung-hua Yang*
Adopting the method of media archaeology, I will trace how the “technologies” of spiritualism and telegraph decentralized both authorship and anthropocentrism. Hand in hand, they went so far to restructure the modern ghost. Moreover, often noted for his craze for cutting-edge technologies, Charles Dickens wrote his ghost stories with Victorian hypomnemata in mind. In this essay, A Christmas Carol, “The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain,” and “The Signal-Man” will be investigated to illustrate how the individuality and personality that used to indicate old ghosts have been liquidized and dehumanized into a flow of modern ghosts.
◎Keywords: media archaeology, telegraph, spiritualism, Charles Dickens, ghosts, hypomnemata
★Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Soochow University.
★ 國立中央大學法文系教授。
Chi-Lin Hsu╱Toward a New Perspective on the Text: Roland Barthes’s Reflections on His Commitment to Teaching
Toward a New Perspective on the Text
Roland Barthes’s Reflections on His Commitment to Teaching
Chi-Lin Hsu*
◎Keywords: Roland Barthes, Text/material support, textual genesis, teaching, body, voice
★Professor, Department of French, National Central University.
本文以展示中的兩群物件,作為主要分析的對象。首先以台中匠寮巷的物件為例,從物、剩餘物、文物、展示物件至展示語言,匠寮巷的物的生命史所形成的各種「接觸的場域」(contact zones),即是非文化與文化、非文物與文物、自然與文化、常民歷史研究與傳統歷史研究、地方歷史與台灣歷史,相互辯證與轉化後所形成的獨特場域。
★ 國立成功大學台灣文學系博士。
Yu-Chang Kao╱The Biography of Things in the Disaster Exhibits: A Case Study of “ISLAND‧QUAKE‧REBIRTH: 15th Anniversary Exhibition of 921 Earthquake”
The Biography of Things in the Disaster Exhibits
A Case Study of “ISLAND‧QUAKE‧REBIRTH: 15th Anniversary Exhibition of 921 Earthquake”
Yu-Chang Kao*
The paper is divided into two parts. The first part examines how things turn from waste, cultural relics, to public exhibits, by studying the biographies of the household objects in the Jiangliau Lane in Taichung. The second part studies another example, the well-known mansion, Dunben Tang in Nantou, and argues that the presence of “non-cultural relic” in public exhibits can not only expand the meaning of cultural exhibition and historical exhibition, but also bridge the gap between the present and the past.
◎Keywords: biography of things, material culture, folk culture, 921 Earthquake, museum exhibitions
★ Ph.D., Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University.