第四十三卷 第四期 總447 中華民國103年12月
Vol.43 No.4 December 2014
《中外文學》十二月號收錄了五篇精彩論文以及一篇學術書評。林淑芬解析法國思想家洪希耶(Jacques Rancière)提出的知識與政治創作論,釐清其有別於政治存有論的歷史與政治書寫;潘怡帆以布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot)的作品《從卡夫卡到卡夫卡》為出發點,探討「書寫」與「虛構」間的共謀關係;熊宗慧以巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin)的時空體理論切入,分析塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)電影《潛行者》中的冒險旅程;鄧秋蓉挪用德希達的哀悼論述,探究韓裔美籍作家凱樂(Nora Okja Keller)的小說《慰安婦》中的倫理議題;吳明宗則對巴金的小說〈團圓〉與毛烽、武兆堤改編的電影《英雄兒女》進行比較研究。學術書評部分,邱彥彬則對于治中的著作《意識型態的幽靈》做出精彩評析。
Editorial Note (of Farewell)
- 朱偉誠╱編輯室(卸任)報告
Wei-cheng Chu╱Editorial Note (of Farewell)
Shu-Fen Lin╱ Poetics: Jacques Rancière’s Historical and Political Writings
Jacques Rancière’s Historical and Political Writings
Shu-Fen Lin*
There has been considerable attention drawn to French philosopher Jacques Rancière’s works in recent years. Amongst critics inspired by the ontological turn in contemporary political theories, many have lamented Rancière’s failure to provide a sufficient account of the ontological status of the key concepts and presuppositions such as “equality of anyone and everyone” employed in his writings. Yet, by far, only relatively few have noticed Rancière’s open criticism of political ontology, not to mention the fact that Rancière has conceived his works as poetics. This essay is an attempt to investigate the trajectory and dispositive of Rancière’s historical and political writings, seeking to clarify Rancière’s resistance against the temptation of ontology and its further implications.
◎Keywords: political ontology, poetics of knowledge, lumpen, demos, the political, politics, police, wrong, political subjectification, presupposition of equality
★Associate Professor, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University.
Yifan Pan╱Kafka’s Double Fiction in De Kafka à Kafka
Kafka’s Double Fiction in De Kafka à Kafka
Yifan Pan*
Fiction has become one of the key concepts in contemporary French philosophy. It is considered the boundary of thought, which makes the act of thinking recommenceable and infinite, because fiction has no origin and any discourse starting from it would end up in an endless exercise. This article attempts to demonstrate how fiction creates this circle of endless thoughts. Taking Maurice Blanchot’s work De Kafka à Kafka as point of departure, it
establishes an accomplice between writing and fiction. The article has three major parts. Part I explores the singularity of this book as a way of thinking about fictional writing. Part II explains how Blanchot realizes the possibilities of Kafka’s fiction by enacting them in his book. Part III dicusses the double fiction of Kafka and Blanchot in order to argue for the indispensability of and causality between fantasy of imaginative author and that of imaginative work. Through Blanchot’s De Kafka à Kafka, this article points to fiction as an indefinite assemblage of imaginative forces in an incessant “thinking, doubting” movement.
◎Keywords: fiction, writing, difference, repetition, complicity
★Ph.D., University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, France.
《潛行者》(Stalker, 1979)是塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky, 1932-1986)在蘇聯拍攝的最後一部作品,情節講的是一趟帶有科幻意味的冒險旅程,實際內容是探討物質文明過度發展所導致的精神失落與心靈危機。在此前提下如何把握影像中的時間關係和空間關係,使其融合在一個能為觀眾認知的具體的整體中,好將電影主旨清晰呈現,是導演最大的挑戰。本文試圖藉由巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin, 1895-1975)的時空體理論(chronotope)來分析《潛行者》裡的冒險旅程:它虛虛實實,似真又假,充滿不可思議的艱辛,反映的正是道德真空下心靈危機的圖像。藉由這一趟前往房間(Room)的旅程,塔可夫斯基再次展示了真實和想像邊界的荒謬性,完成了對時間連貫性的訴求,同時開啟了他以電影藝術對抗精神失落之路的起點。
Tsung-Huei Hsiung╱A Journey to the Room: The Chronotopes in Tarkovsky’s Stalker
A Journey to the Room
The Chronotopes in Tarkovsky’s Stalker
Tsung-Huei Hsiung*
Stalker (1979), the last feature film Andrei Tarkovsky completed in the Soviet Union, seemingly depicts a three-man expedition into a surreal Zone, but is actually more concerned about the over-development of material culture and the consequent spiritual loss and mental crisis. How to arrange the time-andspace relationship into a comprehensible narrative in the film that can illustrate this theme becomes the greatest challenge for the director. The end result is a half-true, half-fictional journey that is incredibly tough, mirroring the mental crisis caused by the vacuous state of the characters’ minds. The present study utilizes Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of the chronotope to analyze this adventurous journey and will show that, through the characters’ trip to the Room, Tarkorvsky demonstrates the absurdity of the boundary between reality and imagination, achieved coherence in time if not space, and inaugurates his own journey of battling against the spiritual loss of men with the art of film.
◎Keywords: Stalker, Tarkovsky, Bakhtin, chronotope
★Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
本文旨在探討韓裔美籍作家凱樂(Nora Okja Keller)著作之小說《慰安婦》(Comfort Woman),關注殖民與戰爭暴力下,歷經性壓迫之逝者與倖存者。小說透過一對母女平行的敘事,揭露二次大戰期間韓國婦女被迫成為日本殖民政府軍隊的性奴隸,在此暴力壓迫中死去的冤魂糾纏著敘事者/母親/倖存者,令她回應其需求,而敘事者/母親/倖存者也因此成為召喚亡魂的靈媒,跨越生死交界。當母親去世之後,另一敘事者/女兒透過逝者/母親遺留下來的錄音帶,藉由已逝母親的聲音,得知其曾是慰安婦的經歷,而女兒的哀悼可視為對逝者/母親的回應。本文挪用德希達對於死亡、逝者、哀悼的討論,將德希達的哀悼論述與小說文本並置,檢視小說中鬼魅他者與哀悼的倫理意涵。一方面小說文本呼應德希達之「不可能的哀悼」,卻又是必要的責任與回應,因之如何理解逝者與鬼魂之無限差異,如何在哀悼中挪出空間以包容死亡帶來之無限差異,成了小說中哀悼者的倫理課題。另一方面,小說文本亦指出不同的鬼魂樣貌與哀悼軌跡,鬼魂不僅是不可知的他者,亦可能具備行動力;而哀悼之中,生者不全然企圖將逝者納入自我的記憶,反而釋放自我的意識,走向逝者/他者之境。
Chiou-rung Deng╱Between Life and Death: The Spectral Other and the Ethics of Mourning in Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman
Between Life and Death
The Spectral Other and the Ethics of Mourning in Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman
Chiou-rung Deng*
This paper analyzes Nora Okja Keller’s novel, Comfort Woman, which focuses on the dead and the survivors of the colonial and sexual violence in Korea during World War II, by applying Jacques Derrida’s discussions on the act of mourning and the alterity of the dead. In Comfort Woman, the narrative alternates between the ex-comfort woman, Akiko, and her daughter, Beccah. After the traumatic experience of sexual violence as a comfort woman, Akiko
has been haunted by the dead and becomes a shaman, reckoning with death and responding to the demands of the dead. Likewise, after her death, Akiko’s daughter Beccah learns, through Akiko’s voice recorded in a tape, to mourn for Akiko’s death and is called to fulfill her responsibility to her dead mother. While mourning is a necessary responsibility, how to understand and respond to the infinite alterity of the dead becomes a duty facing the survivors, and
according to Derrida, it is also a question of “hospitality without reserve” to harbor the dead. However, the text of Comfort Woman also indicates an alternative picture of the ghost, which is not merely an unknown other but also an agent, with a different trajectory, which the work of mourning follows; that is, in the act of mourning, my conscious “I” should yield to the dead, the other, instead of keeping the dead alive within my memory.
◎Keywords: Comfort Woman, the dead, ghosts, Derrida, mourning
★Assistant Professor, Department of English, Tamkang University.
吳明宗╱從〈團圓〉到《英雄兒女》: 巴金小說及其電影改編之比較
Ming-Tsung Wu╱A Comparative Study of Ba Jin’s Story: “Tuanyuan” and Its Film Adaptation Yingxiong Ernu
A Comparative Study of Ba Jin’s Story
“Tuanyuan” and Its Film Adaptation Yingxiong Ernu
Ming-Tsung Wu*
Ba Jin wrote the story “Tuanyuan” (“Reunion”) in 1961. It describes a family reunion during the Korean War and the spirit of Chinese soldiers who fight in it. Then Mao Feng and WuZhaoti made the film adaptation Yinxiong Ernu (Heroic Sons and Daughters) in 1964. When the Cultural Revolution began, however, both of them were critiqued politically: “Tuanyuan” was denounced as propaganda for pacifism, and Yinxiong Ernu was accused of over-emphasizing the horrors of war. This article compares the two texts in detail and makes the case that while, on the one hand, “Tuanyuan” shows us how Ba Jin painstakingly negotiates with the dominant political ideology to accommodate his longheld humanism, on the other hand, Yinxiong Ernu toes the political line more compliantly but does not manage to save itself from political critique due to its connection with the original author Ba Jin. It is obvious that during the Seventeen Year period (1949-1966) hardly any writers or artists could find a safe place under the Chinese Communist regime.
◎Keywords: Cold War, Korean War, Cultural Revolution, Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Literature during 1949-1966
★Ph.D. Student, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University.
Polemics and Discussions
- 邱彥彬╱意識型態批判之必要:從于治中《意識型態的幽靈》得到的些許發想
Yen-bin Chiou╱The Necessity of Ideology Critique: Some Thoughts on Chih-Chung Yu’s The Specter of Ideology