

第四十卷 第二期 總433 中華民國100年6月
Vol.40 No.2 June 2011

《中外文學》六月號推出「如果‧愛:第三十三屆全國比較文學會議論文專輯」,收錄七篇精彩論文,以及三篇會議觀察報告:賴俊雄從「如果/愛」的開放性慾望經濟體中,探討當代理論三種(匱乏式、滿溢式與分裂式)「愛」的不同經濟結構,與其可能產生的問題;楊志偉討論不同的愛所涉及之倫理主體,並以吳爾芙小說《達洛威夫人》說明如何具體實踐關係即愛的倫理主體;沈志中透過對佛洛依德與拉岡文本的批判閱讀,檢視精神分析理論中愛情與慾望的問題,以此探究拉岡「慾望對象」(objet a)概念的特殊性;林俊男試圖耙梳拉岡《傳會》(Transference)裡的愛情隱喻,並以張愛玲短篇小說〈色,戒〉為參照,細究當中呈現的愛情(無)隱喻;廖高成以英國1990年代後女性主義時代背景為著眼點,佐以拉岡對於(無能的)愛之論述,解析英國小說家庫雷西(Hanif Kureishi)的短篇小說集《全日午夜》與《愛在藍色時代》;林明澤檢視十九世紀西方吸血鬼敘事中跨越生死線的愛情想像之倫理意涵,並以法國哲學家巴帝烏(Alain Badiou)的愛情倫理思維來思考人鬼互動中的愛情;徐詩思則以十九世紀美國帝國西向擴張與白人女性愛之規訓為切入點,討論愛兒珂特(Louisa May Alcott)筆下的叛逆男主角丹,說明其始終為西部感性白女人的學徒,以探討作者筆下「感性之愛」的政治意涵。除了以上七篇論文,本專輯亦收錄李鴻瓊、黃涵榆與邱彥彬三位學者對此屆會議的精闢觀察評論。



Special Issue Articles




     愛的雙眼是盲目。愛的內心是無我。愛的身體是瘋狂。愛,不僅是一種個人內在心理慾望的能量,更是一種社會交換經濟中複雜又微妙的慾力跨界流動關係。人世間的愛常是小小寂寞城內「達達的馬蹄聲」,總引來許許多多錯誤的美麗期待。然而,如果/愛,真能夠卸下一件件幻見的華麗或美德外衣,這世界將會如何重新運行?問世間,愛為何物?從字源的角度而言,「愛」在希臘文中,包含四種完全不同的意義:自我愛慾(Eros)、共在情感(Philia)、對人群的愛(Caritas)與對上帝或形上的愛(Agape)。筆者相信具有干擾性與不確定性的假設語氣「如果」,可以突顯出「愛」內在晶體結構性的多元差異、張力與衝突。因此,如果/愛,究竟是無私奉獻?抑或盲目犧牲?如果/愛,究竟是愛「自己」抑或「他者」?如果/愛,究竟是愛「他者」心中的「自己」?抑或是愛「自己」心中的「他者」?如果/愛,究竟是內心匱乏的永遠填補?形上滿溢的無盡回應?抑或是生命當下融合/分裂的抗戰?筆者首先介紹為何「如果/愛」(If/Love)是一種開放性慾望經濟體(a general economy of desire),而「當-愛」(When-Love)為何是一封閉性慾望經濟體(a limited economy of desire),作為本文的前言。本文主要會從「如果/愛」的開放性慾望經濟體中,試圖探討當代理論中三種(匱乏式、滿溢式與分裂式)「愛」的不同經濟結構,與其各別可能產生的侷限與問題。



Chung-Hsiung Lai╱If/Love: On the Three “Desire Economies” of Love

If/Love: On the Three “Desire Economies” of Love

Chung-hsiung Lai*

What is love? Tradition tells us love is blindness, love is selflessness, love is madness. In contemporary theory, love is not just a person’s emotion of strong affection or psychic energy, but a complicated “desire economy” circulating between borders of interpersonal relationships in our societies. In ancient Greek, the word “love” had four meanings: Eros (a passionate, usually sexual desire), Philia (a love among family and friends), Caritas (a love of fellow man, charity), and Agape (a divine, unconditional or pure love). I use the subjunctive “if,” to indicate the sort of interruption and uncertainty that can unfold the multiplicity, tension as well as conflicts within the intrinsic desire structure of love. That is: does love suggest a selfless devotion or blind sacrifice? Does love indicate a love of others in the world or of the others imagined by the self? Is love an endless supplement to the mental lack, unceasing responses to the overflow of metaphysical desire, or the eternal split between oneness and separation with the Other?
     This article, first distinguishes two economies of desire: 1) “if/love” as “a general economy of desire,” and 2) “when-love” as “a limited economy of desire.” Second, within a if/love general economy of desire, it examines three kinds of limited desire economy of love (and their limits): a Žižekian lack-oriented economy of love, Levinasian overflow economy of love, and Deleuzian schizo economy of love. Finally, it draws salient conclusions for theoretical and literary presentations of interpersonal relations and feelings.

◎Keywords: love, economy, desire, lack, infinite, schizo, Žižek, Levinas, Deleuze, Guattari

★ Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University.







Julian Chih-Wei Yang╱What Is Love? The Ethical Subject from Eros, Philia, to Relation as Love

What Is Love?
The Ethical Subject from Eros, Philia, to Relation as Love

Julian Chih-Wei Yang*

     This article broaches various accounts of love and ethical subjects so as to examine the ethical texture of love and to extend the scope of ethics and ethical subject to include love relationships. The argument divides into five sections: first, I stipulate the definition of “ethical subject in love,” and clarify the meaning of “ethics” and “ethical subject” used in the present discussion. Next, in the following three sections, I remap the discursive encounters of Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, and Martin Heidegger with love, examining different types of love, such as eros-love and philia-love, the implied ethics of these loves, and the question of “aimance,” to provide evidence for my thesis on relation as love and its ethical subjectivity. In conclusion, I draw upon Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway to illustrate how to apply the proposition of ethical subject in relation as love and thereby enrich one’s reading of the literary text.

◎Keywords: the ethical subject in love, the metaphor of love, eros, philia, aimance, Heidegger, relation as love, Mrs Dalloway

★ Ph.D. Student, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.




對佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)而言,愛情是建立在已失去之早年的原初滿足經驗。愛情生活只是此一原初滿足經驗的重新演出。因此,愛戀客體的「選擇」事實上並沒有選擇,而是只能以提供滿足的協助者為模型(依附型對象選擇),或以自身為範本(自戀型對象選擇)。然而這個宿命的愛情構想卻使得精神分析面臨了巨大的理論困難。若愛情沒有選擇,究竟如何解釋愛戀客體的誕生這一「愛情奇蹟」(miracle de l’amour)?
     拉岡(Jacques Lacan)在提出慾望的辨證之後,於1960-61年的第八講座《傳移》(Le transfert),藉由對柏拉圖《宴饗篇》的閱讀重新回到愛情的課題,並試圖從慾望結構的角度解決上述的難題。究竟慾望與愛情有何關係?為何與我們有愛戀關係的主體也同時是我們的慾望客體?對拉岡而言,澄清愛情的問題也等於是解釋了精神分析治療的「傳移之愛」的基礎,進而回答了他在1959-60年第七講座《精神分析倫理學》(L’éthique de la psychanalyse)所提出之分析師的慾望與倫理問題。而另一方面,對愛情與慾望的分析也促使拉岡在1961-62年的第九講座《認同》(L’identification)與1962-63年的第十講座《焦慮》(L’angoisse)中完整地提出了「慾望對象」(objet a)的概念。



Chih-chung Shen╱On Love and objet a: Some Psychoanalytic Perspectives

On Love and objet a
Some Psychoanalytic Perspectives

Chih-chung Shen*

This paper elaborates on the problem of love and desire in psychoanalytic theory via a critical reading of Freud’s and Lacan’s texts, in order to explore the particularity of Lacan’s concept of objet a.
     For Freud, love is based on the primary experience of satisfaction already lost in the very early years; one’s love life merely replays such experiences of satisfaction. Therefore, the “choice” of the love-object is in fact no choice at all, but rather modeled either on the helping other that provides satisfaction (anaclitic type of object-choice), or on oneself (narcissistic type of object-choice). Yet, such a conception of fated love poses a huge theoretical challenge to psychoanalysis: If there is no choice in love, how can we explain “the miracle of love,” that is, the advent of love-object?
     In attempting to meet this theoretical challenge,Lacan brings his notion of dialectic of desire to bear on understanding love in the context of his reading Plato’s dialogue, the Symposium, in Seminar VIII, Transference (1960-61). In this context, he explores several related questions: How is desire related to love? Why is the subject with whom we are in love also our object of desire?, etc. For Lacan, to clarify the mystery of love on the one hand amounts to explaining “transference love,” the basis of psychoanalytic treatment, and moreover solving the problem of the analyst’s own desire and ethics (Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis [1959-60]); on the other hand, these analyses of love and desire prompt him to postulate the notion of objet ain Seminar IX, Identification (1961-62), and Seminar X, Anxiety (1962-63).

◎Keywords: Freud, Lacan, love, metaphor of love, desire, object

★Asssitant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.




     本文擬以並置理論與文本的揉雜閱讀方式,一方面耙梳拉岡第八講座《傳會》裡所探討的愛情隱喻,亦即愛如何以隱喻的方式結構,以意符的凝縮(condensation)構成;另一方面以張愛玲的短篇小說〈色,戒〉為參照,細究當中呈現的愛情(無)隱喻。第一部分討論拉岡在第八講座提出的愛情理論概念,特別提出愛情作為一種神話、亦為一種隱喻的結構,並且以「祕寶」(agalma)來理解愛的不可能禮物。這些概念的提出,都可放回拉岡整體思想中理解:愛情神話呼應晚期第二十講性公式所論的「性關係不存在」,愛情隱喻裡意符的凝縮效應,也與父親隱喻及主體誕生息息相關,而「祕寶」不僅為分析場景裡傳會產生的關鍵,也是後期理論小對物(objet petit a)的雛形。第二部分將以詳細的文本分析,探討〈色,戒〉中的愛情隱喻,指出戒指既是幻想中愛的祕寶,也是形成愛情隱喻的關鍵。同時,本文指出〈色,戒〉中愛情隱喻的失敗,在於喪失的處女膜無法及時與戒指凝縮成隱喻,因而成為受延宕、未完成的命名,進而點出,張愛玲的書寫一方面遵從著鴛鴦蝴蝶派的風格,書寫愛情隱喻的產生,同時亦是一種鬆動律法、暴露出愛情隱喻永難穩固的書寫。



Chun-nan Lin╱The (Non-)Metaphor of Love: On Eileen Chang’s “Lust, Caution”

The (Non-)Metaphor of Love
On Eileen Chang’s “Lust, Caution”

Chun-nan Lin*


What is Lacan’s concept of metaphor of love addressed in his eighth seminar Transference? In other words, how is love structured as a metaphor via the condensation of signifiers? How does Eileen Chang present the (non-)metaphor of love in the short story “Lust, Caution” (Se, Jie)? The first part addresses that Lacan’s theory of love (in the eighth seminar) encompasses the myth of love, the metaphor of love, and the impossible gift of love, agalma. Viewed within Lacan’s overall theory, the myth of love reverberates with the later proposition that “il n’y a pas de rapport sexual”; the metaphor of love is related to the paternal metaphor and the birth of the subject; and agalma not merely plays a role in transference but serves as a theoretical model for the later objet petit a. Second, a detailed textual analysis of Chang’s “Lust, Caution” reveals the ring as the agalma in fantasy as well as the key to the metaphor of love. Finally, the paper makes the case that the failure of metaphor of love in “Lust, Caution” results from an incomplete and deferred act of naming, that is, the failed substitution of the lost hymen by the ring. Chang’s writing presents a mixed style of yuan yan hu die pai novels (the traditional Chinese popular romance) that revolve around the birth of metaphor of love, as well as a subversive exposé of the non-metaphor of love that undermines Lacan’s theory of metaphor.


◎Keywords: Eileen Chang, “Lust, Caution,” Jacques Lacan, Transference, metaphor of love, agalma

★Ph.D. Student, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.




     本文以英國1990年代後女性主義的時代背景為經、拉岡對於(無能的)愛的論述為緯,探討英國小說家庫雷西(Hanif Kureishi)在其兩本短篇小說集──《全日午夜》與《愛在藍色時代》──對於錯愛的描繪,以及從中建立起其特殊愛的倫理的可能。相較於庫雷西對族裔、性別與階級議題提出異議的早期作品,這兩本短篇小說集所呈現的非關特定族裔的男性特質比較不受青睞。在擁有社經地位一定的優勢以後,作家被視為失去對於社會的批判動力,而沈湎於抒發中年、中產階級男性的自戀、自我厭棄與慾望。本文認為諸如此類的想法忽視了庫雷西暴露愛情被正統的性、慾模式所穿透的努力,而這些模式都與拉岡的象徵秩序、以及自我與他者間的倫理議題相關。論文首先整理關於這兩本短篇小說的主要評論觀點。多數的評論家認為庫雷西探討了親密關係的瓦解、後女性主義時代的男性特質、中年危機等議題,而沒有更深入探討這些現象彼此間的關係、以及其中隱現的愛的壓迫與愛欲倫理。其次,本文以後女性主義時代歷史化拉岡的象徵律法秩序,並參考拉岡和伊希嘉黑探討的愛的實然與應然,作為耙梳庫雷西筆下情慾現象的出發點。相較於部分評論者對故事中男性角色的負面評價,本文認為庫雷西(不符道德)的錯愛現象,是拉岡把愛情定義為自戀或融合慾望的例證。當從一而終和排他性的佔有難以成為後現代的愛情準則時,庫雷西的錯愛關係顯示自我與他者的異質性,在複數關係的實踐中重新定義開放多元的愛的倫理。



Kao-chen Liao╱Crossed Love in Hanif Kureishi’s Love in a Blue Time and Midnight All Day

Crossed Love in Hanif Kureishi’s Love in a Blue Time and Midnight All Day

Kao-chen Liao*


With a 1990s context of postfeminism, on the one hand, and Lacan’s psychoanalysis of an impossible love, on the other, this paper explores Hanif Kureishi’s representations of crossed love and its ethics in Love in a Blue Time and Midnight All Day. In comparison to Kureishi’s early works regarding ethnic, gender and class dissidence, these two collections of short stories are not eye-catching because of the middle-aged male protagonists without ethnic specificity. Many critics believed that after Kureishi’s early success allowed him a socio-economic superiority, he became steeped in abjection, narcissism and desire and began to express such moods in his middle works. Readings of this sort ignore Kureishi’s endeavor to expose love as a relation interwined with orthodoxic modes of sex and desire, which reflect Lacan’s symbolic order and an ethic problematic of self-other relationships. This paper first reviews different viewpoints on these two books, examining their lack of interest in fathoming interrelations among postfeminism, new masculinities, mid-life crisis, an oppressive regime of love and a possible love ethics. Second, I historicize Lacan’s symbolic order with postfeminism and refer to Lacan and Irigaray’s discourses on what love is and should be, so as to illuminate breaks of long-term relations in these stories. In contrast to some negative responses to Kureishi’s male protagonists, I argue the crossed loves—love failing to match the other’s anticipation—exemplifies Lacan’s definition of love as narcissism or a desire to merge with the loved object. While an ideology of eternal and exclusive love becomes more and more unviable in the privileged postmodern context, Kureishi’s crossed relations of love exposes heterogeneity of the self and other, perhaps thus reimagining an open ethics of love.

◎Keywords: love, desire, Hanif Kureishi, Lacan, Irigaray, postfeminism, jouissance

★Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Fo Guang University.

林明澤╱以身為誓、歃血為盟: 論十九世紀西方吸血鬼敘事中情愛想像的倫理意涵






Min-Tser Lin╱Vowed over the Body and Sealed with Blood: On the Ethical Consequences of the Amorous Imagination in the Nineteenth-Century Vampire Narrative

Vowed over the Body and Sealed with Blood
On the Ethical Consequences of the Amorous Imagination in the Nineteenth-Century Vampire Narrative

Min-Tser Lin*

     What are the ethical implications of the fantasy of love “across the grave” in the nineteenth-century vampire narratives, especially when the love concerns biological issues related to “vampirism”? Since the vampire narratives are not usually intended to be viewed from ethical perspectives, the argument of the present paper follows a line of ethical thought laid out by Badiou to experiment with ways his ethical thought may provoke reflection on vampirism. Badiou’s ethical concept of love as a “truth procedure” that moves beyond mere concerns of “human animal” helps to uncover the “truly” amorous aspects of some human-vampire interaction, as exemplified in stories of “vampire love” like Sheridan LeFanu’s “Carmilla” and Théophile Gautier’s “The Dead Leman.” However, according to Badiou’s ethics of love that the loving “Two” should supplement the void fractured open by the “sexuated disjunction” between “men” and “women,” vampire love must be regarded as too deeply involved in the dietary and sexual elements of vampirism to survive “forcing” by the procedure of “true love” yet. However, all forms of love, no matter human or vampiric, rest on these biological elements; this is the predicament that is regarded as love’s essential paradox, which all truthful lovers have to negotiate.

◎Keywords: vampire, love, consistency, sexuated disjunction and Two, forcing, Badiou

★Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University.

徐詩思╱在帝國西進的天空下: 愛兒珂特的《小紳士》與《喬的男孩們》中被愛「馴化」的西部英雄






Shih-szu Hsu╱Under the Imperial Western Sky: The “Domesticated” Western Hero in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Men and Jo’s Boys

Under the Imperial Western Sky
The “Domesticated” Western Hero in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Men and Jo’s Boys

Shih-szu Hsu*

     This paper discusses Louisa May Alcott’s character Dan, the unruly hero in Little Men (1871) and Jo’s Boys (1886), in terms of nineteenth-century U.S. imperial westward expansion and the white woman’s discipline of love. Dan’s importance lies in his multiple identities and positions molded by a variety of contemporary discourses: he is a white pioneer in support of westward expansion as well as a racialized “other” disciplined by the white woman’s love; a tired, injured Civil War veteran as well as an energetic, aspiring Western hero; an obedient son in the domestic novel as well as a wild man in the dime Western. These seemingly disparate, unrelated roles are in fact all connected with the white woman’s political vision of upholding westward expansion in the name of sentimental love. In this sense, Dan’s story reflects the uses and limitations of the white woman’s disciplinary project, not only highlighting the ambivalent negotiations between the discipliner and the disciplined, but also illustrating the tricky connections of the domestic white woman in the private sphere with nineteenth-century U.S. westward expansion in the public sphere.

◎Keywords: Louisa May Alcott, Little MenJo’s Boys, westward expansion, nineteenth-century U.S. imperialism, race, the domestic novel, the dime Western, the domestic white woman, the Western hero

★Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University.

Notes and Discussions

  • 李鴻瓊╱無關理論、無關愛
    Hung-chiung Li╱Theory of Indifference, Love of Indifference
  • 黃涵榆╱朝向愛的政治學
    Han-yu Huang╱Towards a Politics of Love
  • 邱彥彬╱認同政治的幽靈
    Yen-bin Chiou╱The Specter of Identity Politics