- 碩士班:
根據本所碩士班章程第三條之三:「在學期間無交換者,經所長同意後,得跨所選課至多6學分;有於交換期間修習研究所課程者,得與國內跨所選課合計至多9學分,上述所選課程不得認定為必修科目」。欲跨所/跨校選課的碩士班同學,請於開學第一週前將欲選課程之課綱email給系辦助教,以呈給主任核可。 - 博士班:
根據本所博士班章程第三條之二:「選修課程得有外所課程(含依校際選課辦法與交換期間所修習之課程,至多9學分); 專題研究與外所課程合計不得超過12學分」。
Taking courses outside the department
- M.A. Program: With approval from the department chair, students who have not gone on exchange may take up to 6 extra-departmental credits; students who have gone on exchange may take up to 9 exchange credits (including 6 credits from local graduate programs). The courses taken will not be considered as substitutes for required courses. M.A. students who plan to take extra-departmental courses need to send the course(s)’s course information (description, syllabus, etc.) by email to the DFLL Office T.A. within the first week of the semester. The T.A. will present them to the Chair for approval.
- Ph. D. Program: According to the PhD Program Regulations, courses taken from other departments (within or outside NTU, including credits from exchange programs) may not exceed 9 credits. Also, the total number of independent study courses and courses taken from other departments may not exceed 12 credits.
- 請詳見臺大教務處網站。
- 臺大研究生校際選課一覽表
- 本系已完成簽訂之「校際選課合作協議書」及一覽表,請參閱附件:
Application for Inter-University Course Selection
- Please see the webpage from NTU Graduate Academic Affairs Division.
- The programs that have an Inter-University Course Selection Agreement with NTU
- The programs that have an Inter-University Course Selection Agreement with NTU GIFLL: