12/2 學生圓桌論壇:契訶夫小說的美與抒情──讀契訶夫小說〈美人〉與〈帶閣樓的房子〉


The Student Roundtable Series: Interdisciplinary Discussion on Foreign Languages and Literatures

學生圓桌論壇系列外國語文跨域探討 Forum 3

俄國文學與社會Russian Literature and Society

Prof. Tsung-Huei Hsiung

受邀講者        Guest Speaker
丘光老師l  國立政治大學東語系俄文組畢業,俄羅斯國立莫斯科大學語言系文學碩士,曾任政治大學斯拉夫語文學系兼任教師,講授文學翻譯等,現為櫻桃園文化總編輯。l  長年從事俄國文學翻譯推介,舉辦過「契訶夫,我願為你朗讀」、「《海鷗》讀劇會」,以及校園閱讀推廣等活動。l  譯作有:《帶小狗的女士:契訶夫小說新選新譯》、《當代英雄:萊蒙托夫經典小說新譯》、《地下室手記:杜斯妥也夫斯基經典小說新譯》、《關於愛情:契訶夫小說新選新譯》、《海鷗:契訶夫經典戲劇新譯》、《白夜:杜斯妥也夫斯基經典小說新譯》等。
契訶夫小說的美與抒情──讀契訶夫小說〈美人〉與〈帶閣樓的房子〉The Aesthetics and Lyricism of Chekhov’s Novels: A Reading of “The Beauties” and “The House with an Attic”
契訶夫是十九世紀末二十世紀初俄羅斯現實主義文學發展的重要作家,相較於對現實的描寫,他對美與抒情的著墨似乎更值得我們關注,進而會發現他作品的一大特質:在現實生活中感知美、感受愛。美、抒情與現實這三者在契訶夫筆下,或交融或辯證,作家藉此奏鳴出一篇篇雋永的小說。(此論壇活動將以中文進行)Chekhov was an important writer in the development of Russian realism from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Compared to his depiction of reality, his focus on aesthetics and lyricism seems to deserve more of our attention. Through this lens, we can discover a significant characteristic of his works: the observation of beauty and the perception of love in actual life. In Chekhov’s writings, aesthetics, lyricism, and reality either blend together, or stand in contrast, engaging in a dialogue of arguments, allowing the author to craft profound and everlasting stories. (This forum will be conducted in Chinese.)
指定閱讀Designated Reading
童偉格:我們不問契訶夫關於愛(https://okapi.books.com.tw/article/8188)Flath C.A. “Art and Idleness: Chekhov’s “The House with a Mezzanine”. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/2679416
日期與地點        Date and Venue
12月2日星期一 13:20-15:10 (綜合 402 教室)