


The following are the regulations regarding credit transfer for graduate students:

(一) 抵免第二外國語課程: 博士班、碩士班學生於大學部時期曾修習之第二外語課程學分可申請抵免。
Graduate students who have completed second foreign language coursework in a university accredited by the Ministry of Education can apply for credit transfer.

(二) 碩士班學生於大學部時期曾修習之本所課程,得於入學後申請抵免至多6學分;如修習他校研究所課程,則得申請抵免為跨校選課學分,至多6學分,且所抵課程認定為選修科目。以上抵免皆須經所長核可。博士班學生於碩士班時期曾修習之研究所課程,得於入學後抵免至多9學分;如修習他校研究所課程,則可抵免為跨校選課學分,至多9學分,且所抵課程認定為選修科目。以上抵免皆須經所長核可。M.A. students can apply to transfer up to 6 graduate credits, subject to the department chair’s approval. Graduate courses taken from other universities will count as extra-departmental credits and as elective courses, subject to the department chair’s approval. Ph.D. students can apply to transfer up to 9 graduate credits, subject to the department chair’s approval. Graduate courses taken from other universities will count as extra-departmental credits and as elective courses, subject to the department chair’s approval.

(三) 抵免之申請為線上申請,申請期限請注意每年「新生服務網」(http://reg.aca.ntu.edu.tw/newstu/) 「學分抵免」之公告。完成線上申請後,尚須於規定期限內將成績單正本寄(送)至外文系辦公室。Application for credits transfer needs to be submitted online around mid August every year. Please refer to the announcement on the NTU Freshmen Network (http://reg.aca.ntu.edu.tw/newstu/) and finish the application before the deadline. After submitting the application online, students need to submit the original copy of the academic transcript to the DFLL Office before the deadline.